

python Programming Glossary: systemerror

Trouble using python PIL library to crop and save image


following error regardless of how I use the save method SystemError tile cannot extend outside image from PIL import Image # size..

App Engine SDK PIL error


site packages PIL PngImagePlugin.py line 564 in _save SystemError Parent module 'PIL' not loaded It appears that this error occurs..

Python 3 relative imports:


from .mymodule import myfunction but sometimes I get a SystemError Parent module '' not loaded cannot perform relative import Sometimes.. from mymodule import myfunction but sometimes I also get a SystemError Parent module '' not loaded cannot perform relative import I..

Insights on SystemError: com_backpatch: offset too large


on SystemError com_backpatch offset too large In python SystemError com_backpatch.. on SystemError com_backpatch offset too large In python SystemError com_backpatch offset too large is thrown when executing the..

Unable to read huge (20GB) file from CPython


recent call last File line 16 in module print f.readline SystemError .. Objects stringobject.c 3902 bad argument to internal function..

nightmare with relative imports, how does pep 366 work?


2 in module from .network.clientlib import helloclient SystemError Parent module 'mainpack' not loaded cannot perform relative.. import pkgname RuntimeWarning 1 return None else raise SystemError Parent module ' s' not loaded cannot perform relative import..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc tid 0 raise SystemError PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed class ThreadWithExc threading.Thread..

PIL crop and paste problem: Cropping doesn't create a cropped image


PIL ImageFile.py line 498 in _save e.setimage im.im b SystemError tile cannot extend outside image I can see that the 'region'..

PIL and numpy


line 1185 in putdata self.im.putdata data scale offset SystemError new style getargs format but argument is not a tuple This is..

python: how to send packets in multi thread and then the thread kill itself


1 ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc tid 0 raise SystemError PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed def raise_exc self excobj assert..