python Programming Glossary: surprises
Why is matrix multiplication faster with numpy than with ctypes in Python? and tried 3 different ways Pure python implementation no surprises here. Numpy implementation using a b Interfacing with..
Why do NumPy and SciPy have a lot of the same functions? Which should I prefer? [duplicate]
Regular Expressions in Python unexpectedly slow present the regular expression is surprisingly slow This surprises me since theoretically the regex only has to go over the string..
How to Mock an HTTP request in a unit testing scenario in Python Injection DI . DI is very useful for two things it avoids surprises where your code is secretely relying on some object to exist..
A question regarding string instance uniqueness in python mistakenly relying on such details that might cause nasty surprises . Plus it's hardly ever necessary or even particularly helpful..
Why does Python say this Netscape cookie file isn't valid? line at the prompt including the n newline character. Any surprises like tab characters or unicode zero width spaces will show up..
gotchas where Numpy differs from straight python? useful. Edit I was hoping to collect half a dozen gotchas surprises for people learning Numpy . Then if there are common gotchas..
Is this use of isinstance pythonic/“good”? interface . This keeps the code cleaner and leaves fewer surprises for the next guy. Others may disagree but I feel there may be..
non-technical benefits of having string-type immutable hashing to effective immutability which avoids certain surprises to the programmer that are found e.g. in Perl with its hashes..
Installing PIL to use with Django on Mac OS X I find this keeps things clean and leads to fewer surprises down the road as things are upgraded. The next step is to create..
Python 2.x gotcha's and landmines better picture of it which includes knowing its faults and surprises. To keep things specific I'm only interested in the CPython..
Circular (or cyclic) imports in Python