

python Programming Glossary: surfaces

How to draw diagrams like this?


dependent on the order the artists are drawn in. Thus surfaces can not intersect one will be above the other every where so.. of' the upper blue plane . The 'proper' ordering of the surfaces also seems to be dependent on the view angle. share improve..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


ugly purple shadow around text def render_message messages surfaces height 0 max_width 0 for message in messages.split ' n' surf.. in messages.split ' n' surf FONT.render message True 0 0 0 surfaces.append surf height surf.get_height 5 if surf.get_width max_width.. 0 255 result.set_colorkey 255 0 255 top 0 for surface in surfaces result.blit surface max_width 2 surface.get_width 2 top top..

What's the best way to add a GUI to a pygame application?


application Are there any good GUIs that support pygame surfaces as a widget within the application If this isn't possible or..

Creating a list of objects in Python


object stored in the list 'simpleList' # and the problem surfaces. Every element of 'simpleList' contains the same attribute value..