

python Programming Glossary: sock.bind

Source interface with Python and urllib2


sock and the sock.connect call for you to insert the sock.bind just before sock.connect that is what you need to set the source.. socket.socket def bound_socket a k sock true_socket a k sock.bind sourceIP 0 return sock socket.socket bound_socket Depending..

On localhost, how to pick a free port number?


Do not bind to a specific port or bind to port 0 e.g. sock.bind '' 0 . The OS will then pick an available port for you. You..

Python port forwarding/multiplexing server


' s' from port s data port sock socket AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM sock.bind localhost port # Bind to the port data came in on sock.sendto..

UDP client and server with Twisted Python


sock.setsockopt socket.SOL_SOCKET socket.SO_REUSEADDR 1 sock.bind self.ip self.port data from_ip sock.recvfrom 4096 p Packet data..

Multicast in Python


sock.setsockopt socket.SOL_SOCKET socket.SO_REUSEADDR 1 sock.bind '' MCAST_PORT mreq struct.pack 4sl socket.inet_aton MCAST_GRP..

Python WebSocket not working


0 sock socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM sock.bind 'localhost' 1234 sock.listen 100 while True print 'listening...'..