python Programming Glossary: social
How can I get the user's facebook id with django-allauth? this question For each user that is signed up via a social account a SocialAccount instance is available. This model has.. key to User . Note that a user can connect multiple social networking accounts to his local account so in practice there.. dirty way to access first available profile picture user.socialaccount_set.all.0.get_avatar_url The ID is also available user.socialaccount_set.all.0.uid..
Drawing a graph or a network from a distance matrix? that thanks for your incoming answers. python graph plot social networking share improve this question The graphviz program..
Defining private module functions in python even more forcefully... but in the end it still depends on social convention and consensus Python's introspection is forceful..
When and how to use the builtin function property() in python start with get or set rather it's left up to common sense social convention style guides and testing. The behavior of x.b accesses..
Converting list of tuples in python to dictionary list of tuples in python to dictionary Imagine a social network website which allows people to specify which other people..
What's the best solution for OpenID with Django? auth which seems to be dead django authopenid django socialauth which also provides authentication with Twitter and Facebook.. authentication with Twitter and Facebook accounts django socialregistration has Facebook and Twitter authentication too django.. comments than a full fledged registration workflow django social auth I played around with a couple of them. Simon Willison's..
Django Master-Detail View Plugins country's details include their Social details from the social app and their Financial details from the financial app . Social.. each country detail page I would see 2 tabs showing the social and the financial details for that country. python django django.. problem Partial Templates Create a template for rendering social and financial that does not need stuff from the view other than..
Does someone use Django-Socialauth successful me successful demo about it python django openid django socialauth share improve this question I have not used Django Socialauth.. is offered by a package with a similar name called django social auth which I find to be very well documented. You can find it.. You can find it here https omab django social auth You can find documentation and examples here http django..
How to make Facebook Login possible in Django app ? pennersr django allauth https omab django social auth https uswaretech Django Socialauth https registration account management as well as 3rd party social account authentication. Supported Flows Signup of both local.. authentication. Supported Flows Signup of both local and social accounts Connecting more than one social account to a local..
Facebook, Django, and Google App Engine share improve this question I run a system on for social networks and facebook on GAE with back end in Python front end.. will be running on its own site in iframes in different social networks and in widgets etc. But for the most part this has..
AuthAlreadyAssociated Exception in Django Social Auth Exception in Django Social Auth I am trying out Django Social Auth. After I create a user.. Exception in Django Social Auth I am trying out Django Social Auth. After I create a user using say Facebook let's say fbuser.. your project Define a sub class of social_auth.middleware.SocialAuthExceptionMiddleware and override the default behavior process_exception..
How can I use Django Social Auth to connect with Twitter? can I use Django Social Auth to connect with Twitter I'm trying to use the Django Social.. Auth to connect with Twitter I'm trying to use the Django Social Auth package to connect with Twitter but I'm having difficulty.. as I can't find any examples. I am assuming that Django Social Auth is the best package to use for this purpose. I've looked..
Django Master-Detail View Plugins Plugins Let's say I have 3 django apps app Country app Social and app Financial . Country is a 'master navigation' app. It.. its 'details' view. Each country's details include their Social details from the social app and their Financial details from.. app and their Financial details from the financial app . Social and Financial both have a detail view for each country Is there..
Decode json and Iterate through items in django template u'Url' u'http playlist Broken_Social_Scene_Forgiveness_Rock_Band 32410310' u'Cache' u'FromCache'.. True u'PlaylistID' u'32410310' u'Name' u'Broken Social Scene Forgiveness Rock Band' u'ModifiedTime' u'1279650795' u'Url'..
How to make Facebook Login possible in Django app ? omab django social auth https uswaretech Django Socialauth https hiidef oauth2app https timetric.. Exchange OAuth2 Twitch OAuth2 Twitter Weibo OAuth2 Django Social Auth Django Social Auth is an easy way to setup social authentication.. OAuth2 Twitter Weibo OAuth2 Django Social Auth Django Social Auth is an easy way to setup social authentication authorization..