python Programming Glossary: socketio
how to combine django plus gevent the basics? http 2011 feb 6 evented django part one socketio and gevent problem ImportError Could not import settings 'webchat.settings'.. named webchat.settings https codysoyland django socketio example blob master README.rst Problem installation fails with..
How to emit SocketIO event on the serverside SocketIO event on the serverside I'm running a gevent socketio Django application. I have something similar to this class @namespace.. post_save signal python django websocket gevent socketio share improve this question What you probably want to do..
Socket.IO Client Library in Python as the python client will need to work with multiple socketio servers many of which won't support websockets for example... Archie1986's answer was good but has become outdated with socketio updates more specifically its protocol https LearnBoost.. to start import websocket httplib ... ''' connect to the socketio server 1. perform the HTTP handshake 2. open a websocket connection..
Does Django have a way to open a HTTP long poll connection? with lots of long living connections . Nowadays nodejs socketio is pretty popular for this and it can even use WebSockets you..
Need help understanding Comet in Python (with Django) and tornado handlers for it. See my blog post on gevent socketio with Django here http 2011 feb 6 evented django..