

python Programming Glossary: smtpserverdisconnected

Hotmail SSL3 version number error using smtp


ready' s.login 'my.email@hotmail.com' 'MyPaSsW0rD' SMTPServerDisconnected Traceback most recent call last ipython input 48 c8e9d7577d8d.. smtplib.pyc in getreply self 357 self.close 358 raise SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed 359 str e 360 if line '' 361.. closed 359 str e 360 if line '' 361 self.close SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed Errno 1 _ssl.c 1363 error 1408F10B..

Sending Email With Python


File C Python31 lib smtplib.py line 345 in getreply raise SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected.. Connection unexpectedly closed smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed Can anyone help me understand..

Issue with sending mails from a distribution mail id [Python]


File C Python32 lib smtplib.py line 371 in getreply raise SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected.. Connection unexpectedly closed smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed Would someone kindly help me..