python Programming Glossary: self.username
Tkinter Button does not appear on TopLevel? self.send mySubmitButton.pack top.withdraw def send self self.username self.myEntryBox.get self.myEntryBox.delete 0 'end' self.myEntryBox.delete 0 'end' print self.username def on_click self gui GUI gui.mainloop ..
Correct way to implement a custom popup tkinter dialog box args such as extra in the following example. The variable self.username can be accessed by any method of the class . import Tkinter.. 3 class GUI tki.Tk def __init__ self tki.Tk.__init__ self self.username 'Bob' # a default name button0 tki.Button self text 'Set user'.. self text 'Show user' command lambda self.msg_box self.username False button1.pack def msg_box self msg 'User name ' extra True..
How to link multiple wx.Dialogs in wxPython def __init__ self parent wx.Dialog.__init__ self parent self.username wx.TextCtrl self self.okButton wx.Button self wx.ID_OK OK class.. self None 1 title 'My game' size SCRWIDTH SCRHEIGHT self.username self.canvasWidth 10 # hide the frame for now self.Hide def OnInit.. dlg1.ShowModal wx.ID_OK #get the username from the dialog self.username dlg1.username.GetValue #clean up the dialog AFTER you get the..
Python: How can I use Twisted as the transport for SUDS? True and is is equivalent to # api.service.login username self.username password self.password deferred threads.deferToThread api.login..
Python mechanize login to website name login self.browser login_nick self.username self.browser login_pwd self.password self.browser.new_control..
SQLAlchemy ordering by count on a many to many relationship db.Column db.String 20 def __repr__ self return User ' s' self.username class Post db.Model id db.Column db.Integer primary_key True..
How to convert JSON data into a Python object User object def __init__ self name username name self.username username import json def object_decoder obj if '__type__' in..
separate threads in pygtk application start_time time.time conn MTP_Connection self.HOME_DIR self.username conn.start progress_bar ProgressBar self.tree.get_widget progressbar..
How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in auto_now_add True def __unicode__ self return self.username class UsersModelForm forms.ModelForm class Meta model Users..