

python Programming Glossary: self._command

Best way to run remote commands thru ssh in Twisted?


commandConnected SSHConnection.__init__ self self._command command self._protocolFactory protocolFactory self._commandConnected.. command self._protocolFactory protocolFactory self._commandConnected commandConnected def serviceStarted self channel _CommandChannel.. def serviceStarted self channel _CommandChannel self._command self._protocolFactory self._commandConnected self.openChannel..

Python IMAP search using a subject encoded with utf-8


python2.7 imaplib.py line 1070 in _simple_command return self._command_complete name self._command name args File usr local python.. 1070 in _simple_command return self._command_complete name self._command name args File usr local python 2.7.2 lib python2.7 imaplib.py..