python Programming Glossary: self._a
Python: multiple properties, one setter/getter class definitions class of2010 object def __init__ self self._a 1 self._b 2 self._c 3 def set_a self value print 'setting a...'.. 2 self._c 3 def set_a self value print 'setting a...' self._a value def set_b self value print 'setting b...' self._b value..
Python lazy property decorator various classes class testA object def __init__ self self._a None self._b None @property def a self if self._a is None #.. self self._a None self._b None @property def a self if self._a is None # Calculate the attribute now self._a 7 return self._a.. a self if self._a is None # Calculate the attribute now self._a 7 return self._a @property def b self #etc Is there an existing..
Python: Inherit the superclass __init__ def BaseClass object def __init__ self a b c d e f ... self._a a b self._b b if b else a ... All the inheriting classes should..