python Programming Glossary: self.assertequals
How can I detect duplicate method names in a python class? def test_foo_should_do_some_behavior self self.assertEquals 42 def test_foo_should_do_some_behavior self.. def test_foo_should_do_some_behavior self self.assertEquals 314 In this case only the latter test would..
Python's unittest and dynamic creation of test cases [duplicate] parser FileParser curtest 'input' theep parser.parse self.assertEquals theep.episodenumber curtest 'episodenumber' setattr self 'test_.. 32 Currently I just loop over all the data call self.assertEquals on each test. The problem is if one fails I don't see the rest..
Python unit test with base and sub class self print 'Calling BaseTest testCommon' value 5 self.assertEquals value 5 class SubTest1 BaseTest def testSub1 self print 'Calling.. def testSub1 self print 'Calling SubTest1 testSub1' sub 3 self.assertEquals sub 3 class SubTest2 BaseTest def testSub2 self print 'Calling.. def testSub2 self print 'Calling SubTest2 testSub2' sub 4 self.assertEquals sub 4 if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main The output of the..
In Python, what's a good pattern for disabling certain code during unit tests? talk #make sure the person said Hello args Hello keywargs self.assertEquals person.say.call_args args keywargs Person did not say hello..
Outputting data from unit test in python this r self.this log.debug that r self.that # etc. self.assertEquals 3.14 pi if __name__ __main__ logging.basicConfig stream sys.stderr..
Comparing XML in a unit test in Python
String slugification in Python slugify import slugify txt This is a test r slugify txt self.assertEquals r this is a test txt This is a ## test r slugify txt self.assertEquals.. r this is a test txt This is a ## test r slugify txt self.assertEquals r this is a test txt 'C 'est déj l 'été.' r slugify txt self.assertEquals.. r this is a test txt 'C 'est déj l 'été.' r slugify txt self.assertEquals r cest deja lete txt 'NÃn h o. W shì zh ng guó rén' r slugify..
pyunit simulating input to stdin lambda _ 'Alice' ng name_getter.NameGetter ng.get_name self.assertEquals 'Alice' def test_get_bob self name_getter.raw_input.. lambda _ 'Bob' ng name_getter.NameGetter ng.get_name self.assertEquals 'Bob' if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main .