python Programming Glossary: self.assertequal
How can I unit test responses from the webapp WSGI application in Google App Engine? self app TestApp self.application response app.get ' ' self.assertEqual '200 OK' response.status self.assertTrue 'Hello World ' in response.. app TestApp self.application response app.get ' name Bob' self.assertEqual '200 OK' response.status self.assertTrue 'Hello Bob ' in response..
How to write a wrapper over functions and member functions that executes some code before and after the wrapped function? setUp self GetValueAndClearTestStream def testWrapper self self.assertEqual TestFunc 69 1.618 'func a 69 b 1.618 ' self.assertEqual GetValueAndClearTestStream.. self.assertEqual TestFunc 69 1.618 'func a 69 b 1.618 ' self.assertEqual GetValueAndClearTestStream ' In func a 69 b 1.618 n' self.assertEqual.. GetValueAndClearTestStream ' In func a 69 b 1.618 n' self.assertEqual TestWrappedFunctor 69 1.618 'func a 69 b 1.618 ' self.assertEqual..
Python unittest: Generate multiple tests programmatically? [duplicate] 4 32 def test_expected self for exp in self.expected_pairs self.assertEqual under_test exp 0 exp 1 if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main.. pair def create_test pair def do_test_expected self self.assertEqual get_pre_reqs pair 0 pair 1 return do_test_expected if __name__.. ... def create_test pair def do_test_expected self self.assertEqual under_test pair 0 pair 1 return do_test_expected for k pair..
Outputting data from unit test in python def runTest self for t1 t2 in testdata f Foo t1 self.assertEqual t2 2 If the test failed I might want to output t1 t2 and.. this r self.this log.debug that r self.that # etc. self.assertEquals 3.14 pi if __name__ __main__ logging.basicConfig stream sys.stderr..
How to generate dynamic (parametrized) unit tests in python? def testsample self for name a b in l print test name self.assertEqual a b if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main The downside of this.. pass def test_generator a b def test self self.assertEqual a b return test if __name__ '__main__' for t in l test_name..
How do I concisely implement multiple similar unit tests in the Python unittest framework? s produces output of the wrong shape str function self.assertEqual self.matrix1.shape output.shape fail_message if __name__ __main__..
Giving parameters into TestCase from Suite in python self.widget None def test_default_size self self.assertEqual self.widget.size 50 50 'incorrect default size' def test_resize.. size' def test_resize self self.widget.resize 100 150 self.assertEqual self.widget.size 100 150 'wrong size after resize' Here is..
Unit testing a python app that uses the requests library r myreq.MyReq v r.doSomething # and verify the results self.assertEqual v 'mytest pass' self.mocker.verify if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main..