

python Programming Glossary: self.canvas.draw

time.sleep() required to keep QThread responsive?


self.main_frame self.canvas.updateGeometry self.canvas.draw self.background None self.lE_line self.axes.plot range 512 0.. def cleanup_UI self self.background None self.axes.clear self.canvas.draw class Worker QThread pixel_list pyqtSignal list list def __init__.. self.main_frame self.canvas.updateGeometry self.canvas.draw self.background None self.lE_line self.axes.plot range 512 0..

How to reset NavigatonToolbar “history” when re-plotting data on the same axis?


and do self.axes.plot x y color self.colours i label text self.canvas.draw As you can see I have a NavigationToolBar bound to the canvas... self.axes.plot x y color self.colours i label text self.canvas.draw Here comes the problem If I use the toolbar's tools zoom steps..

How can I speed up an animation?


self.datagen.next self.axes.imshow self.datagen.next .T self.canvas.draw When I resize the window during the animation it immediately..

matplotlib: limits when using plot and imshow in same axes


111 self.axes.imshow channel1 interpolation nearest self.canvas.draw self.axes.plot dat 0 dat 1 b I've tried setting the limits before..

Interactive plot based on Tkinter and matplotlib


self x y self.line.get_data self.line.set_ydata y 0.2 x self.canvas.draw def increase self x y self.line.get_data self.line.set_ydata.. self x y self.line.get_data self.line.set_ydata y 0.2 x self.canvas.draw root Tkinter.Tk app App root root.mainloop share improve this..