

python Programming Glossary: selects

How to retrieve the selected text from the active window


is partially outlined in the following example The user selects some text using the mouse or the keyboard in any application..

Determining what tkinter window is currently on top


the back if another window is selected. Currently if one selects the toolbutton again the option window will close. However I..

Web.py SQL queries giving odd data


web.py share improve this question name 0 .name The 0 selects the first row from the result. The .name gets the name column..

Union and Intersect in Django


model_table qn model._meta.db_table # This query selects the ids of all objects which have any of # the given tags. query.. model_table qn model._meta.db_table # This query selects the ids of all objects which have all the # given tags. query..

How to solve the “Mastermind” guessing game?


that could be obtained from each possible guess and selects the most informative guess. As the numbers of possibilities..

Remove small words using Python


shortword re.compile r' W b w 1 3 b' The above expression selects any word that is preceded by some non word characters essentially..

deleting every nth element from a list in python 2.7


Craig Deidre Edward Felicity Greg and Harriet. Andrew selects N 2. The crew will walk the plank in the order Brenda Deidre..

How do you make Python / PostgreSQL faster?


and use it in memory. Don't do repeated singleton selects. Use Python. Two. Don't Update. Specifically Do not do this...

“Large data” work flows using pandas


list of fields looks up the groups in the groups_map then selects these and concatenates the results so you get the resulting..

Polling the keyboard in python


this in the midst of a lot of other I O activities socket selects serial port access etc. while 1 # doing amazing pythonic embedded..

Is Django admin difficult to customize?


Sorting dictionary keys based on their values


out needed values using a map with a lambda which just selects the key. So you get the needed list of keys. EDIT see this answer..

Image Cropping using Python


for my boss who wants to be able to see through it as he selects. For you guys to better understand the problem I am writing..

Which maximum does Python pick in the case of a tie?


relevant if for instance one has a list of tuples and one selects a maximum using a key based on the first element of the tuple..

“Open with…” a file on Windows, with a python application


open a file when a user right clicks on the file and selects Open With . For example I want a user to be able right click..

How to limit choice field options based on another choice field in django admin


the number of choices in the items drop down. If user selects another category then the item choices should update accordingly...

How do you convert a naive datetime to DST-aware datetime in Python?


version of the event they created for example if the user selects October 5 2020 from 3 00pm 4 00pm the frontend returns datetime.datetime..

pymysql callproc() appears to affect subsequent selects


callproc appears to affect subsequent selects I'm attempting to transition a code base from using MySQLdb..

How can I change the choices in an OpenERP selection field based on other field values?


options in Block Area depend on the values the user selects for the other fields python postgresql openerp share improve..