

python Programming Glossary: polygons

Python: find area of polygon from xyz coordinates


the shapely.geometry.Polygon module to find the area of polygons but it performs all calculations on the xy plane. This is fine.. calculations on the xy plane. This is fine for some of my polygons but others have a z dimension too so it's not quite doing what.. plane so that i can use shapely.geometry.Polygon .area The polygons are represented as a list of tuples in the form x1 y1 z1 x2..

Data binning: irregular polygons to regular mesh


binning irregular polygons to regular mesh I have thousands of polygons stored in a table.. irregular polygons to regular mesh I have thousands of polygons stored in a table format given their 4 corner coordinates which.. 57.78 149.74 150.18 148.5 148.91 84.25 ... Many of the polygons intersect or overlap. Now I would like to create a n m matrix..

Reverse Geocoding Without Web Access


the latitude and then the longitude or vice versa . Define polygons for each of the states and do some sort of calculation to determine..

Rasterizing a GDAL layer


. I adapted a unit test and tried it on a .shp made of polygons import os import sys from osgeo import gdal gdalconst ogr osr.. features correctly possibly from dirty data degenerate polygons etc... and sometimes specified in large coordinates For example.. For example I want to go from this To this Here the polygons are differentiated by the value of an attribute the colors don't..

matplotlib savefig() plots different from show()


amount of graphs the savefig generated graphs ' font lines polygons all look smaller than the show generated graph. My environment..