python Programming Glossary: polling
Python on Windows - how to wait for multiple child processes? child processes in Python on Windows without active wait polling Something like this almost works for me proc1 subprocess.Popen..
how to combine django plus gevent the basics? I like the Django framwork but I need it to handle long polling. I already have a working server using gevent on it's own that.. working server using gevent on it's own that handles long polling requests as well as does image streaming via http at about 10.. chat http 2009 10 10 simpler long polling with django and gevent What I hope someone can explain please..
Asynchronous method call in Python? token.registerCallback callback_function # alternative polling while not token.finished doSomethingElse if token.finished result..
Streaming data with Python and Flask could send it or make it to make requests for you use long polling websockets etc. There are many ways to do it here's one that..
How do I watch a file for changes using Python? mentioned that I was after a solution that doesn't require polling. Edit Curses It seems this doesn't work over a mapped network.. with the one of the file you want to watch . Otherwise polling will probably be the only really platform independent option...
How to capture Python interpreter's and/or CMD.EXE's output from a Python script? oriented or indeterministic you probably want to look into polling which unfortunately does not work in windows but I'm sure there's..
Polling the keyboard in python Windows. For that you can use the msvcrt module's keyboard polling. Often this is done with multiple threads one per device being..
How to set time limit on input windows specific one can be constructed with a tight loop polling msvcrt.kbhit performing a msvcrt.getche and checking if it's..
How can I read all availably data from subprocess.Popen.stdout (non blocking)? pipes to non blocking mode no auxiliary threads or polling required. I could be missing something but it has solved my..
How can I “watch” a file for modification / change? notifier.loop This is more efficient than polling. The kernel tells you when it does the operation without you..
How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python? code posted here has some flaws. Many of them do active polling to wait for the code to finish. join is a better way to synchronize..
Constantly print Subprocess output while process is running i let my program write the process output line by line by polling the process output before it finishes in a loop or something..
Does Django have a way to open a HTTP long poll connection? for Comet in Python COMET is another name for ajax long polling . Apparently the most common approach is not doing it directly..
Detect File Change Without Polling
python: how to send packets in multi thread and then the thread kill itself better way to let a thread die after 60 seconds other than polling the time.clock every time When I run this program it sends the..
Python Comet Server to Facebook's newsfeed that I want to update via a long polling mechanism. I understand that with Python my choices are pretty.. can I find resources to implement my own python comet polling stackless cometd share improve this question I recommend..
Polling the keyboard in python the keyboard in python How can I poll the keyboard from a console..
Detect File Change Without Polling File Change Without Polling I'm trying to use a method within a Python program to detect..
Hot-swapping of Python running program To detect changes in a file check out this SO question . Polling may be the most reliable option but I would only reload the..
How epoll detect clientside close in Python? time.sleep 1 events epoll.poll 1 # Timeout 1 second print 'Polling d events' len events for fileno event in events if fileno s.fileno.. output ideer@ideer chenz source ideerfs python Polling 0 events Polling 0 events Polling 1 events '' 53975.. chenz source ideerfs python Polling 0 events Polling 0 events Polling 1 events '' 53975 Polling 0 events..