

python Programming Glossary: pixbuf

Converting PIL GdkPixbuf


PIL GdkPixbuf How can I convert PIL Image in pixbuf . I tried to change many examples but no solution import array.. import array from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf def image2pixbuf self im arr array.array 'B' im.tostring height width im.size.. PyGObject python python imaging library pygobject gdkpixbuf share improve this question You are passing less arguments..

How do I render *parts* of a svg file?


document 0 xml element.toxml svg rsvg.Handle svg.write xml pixbuf svg.get_pixbuf image gtk.Image image.set_from_pixbuf pixbuf.. element.toxml svg rsvg.Handle svg.write xml pixbuf svg.get_pixbuf image gtk.Image image.set_from_pixbuf pixbuf image.show window.add.. xml pixbuf svg.get_pixbuf image gtk.Image image.set_from_pixbuf pixbuf image.show window.add image gtk.main It doesn't work..

Convert a GTK python script to C


a png this was just the first one I found. There's no gdk_pixbuf_save #include unistd.h #include stdio.h #include gdk gdk.h #include.. GDK_DRAWABLE w width height GdkPixbuf pb gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable NULL GDK_DRAWABLE w NULL 0 0 0 0 width.. height cairo_t cr cairo_create surf gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf cr pb 0 0 cairo_paint cr cairo_surface_write_to_png surf screenshot.png..

Changing the selected item colour in a GtkTreeview using python


share improve this question You could add a separate pixbuf cell say the same size as a small icon to the far left to indicate..

Is this possible to draw GtkTreeView listed like GtkIconView?


IconView and TreeView . But IconView can only display one pixbuf per row and TreeView don't display as a grid like IconView ... you need. In the ListStore every row represent just one pixbuf but the IconView adjusts the images in a grid. Here a small.. gtk.ListStore gtk.gdk.Pixbuf iv gtk.IconView store iv.set_pixbuf_column 0 for arg in sys.argv 1 pixbuf gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file..