

python Programming Glossary: overall

How to reduce color palette with PIL


palette to the 5 prominent colors found in that image. My overall goal is to do some basic color sampling. python image colors..

How many Python classes should I put in one file? [closed]


are in each import doesn't matter. What matters is the overall organization that you're portraying with your import statements...

Find longest repetitive sequence in a string


at least three descendants time O n using a DFS . This overall algorithm takes time O n . That said suffix trees are notoriously..

Good or bad practice in Python: import in the middle of a file


core Python team has found to be the most effective style overall and with individual dissent of course as on any other language..

Multiplying a huge number times random() (Python)


float with the large numbers. Is there a way to make the overall algorithm more efficient or to make this large number convert..

About python's built in sort() method


Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


way and basestring plus isinstance helps you do that the overall structure of this idiom is something like if isinstance x basestring..

What is the best way to get all the divisors of a number?


f i factors i 1 break f i 0 i 1 if i nfactors return The overall efficiency of this algorithm will depend entirely on the efficiency..

Can't pickle <type 'instancemethod'> when using python's multiprocessing Pool.map()


lastFmQueries.lastFmQueries # x lfq.getUsersTopTracks acet overall sc someClass.someClass sc.go and the following is my someClass..

Choosing a web application framework in python


side components and by concentrating on different parts overall in my opinion it rivals and surpasses Django. share improve..

Python: removing duplicates from a list of lists


Detect “overall average” color of the picture


&ldquo overall average&rdquo color of the picture I have a picture jpg file.. I have a picture jpg file for example . I need to know overall average the color of the picture. I mean the prevailing color.. above at the top the original image at the bottom the overall average color which is associated with picture If you help me..

Tab completion in Python's raw_input()


the internal readline buffer to determine the state of the overall completion which makes the state logic a bit simpler. The path..

How does Python's “super” do the right thing?


B's call to super is somehow aware of C's existence in the overall class hierarchy. I know that super returns a proxy object with..

jsonify a SQLAlchemy result set in Flask


url db.Column db.String comments db.Column db.Text overall db.Column db.Integer shipping db.Column db.Integer cost db.Column.. db.Column db.String def __init__ self fullurl url comments overall shipping cost honesty communication name ipaddr date self.fullurl.. fullurl self.url url self.comments comments self.overall overall self.shipping shipping self.cost cost self.honesty honesty..

Using subprocess to run Python script on Windows


function I was writing a quick script to test the overall functionality of a Python command line tool to test it on various..