python Programming Glossary: overloading
__lt__ instead of __cmp__ This simplicity seems to meet my needs much better than overloading all 6 of the rich comparisons. However you can get it down to.. comparisons as easy as the above __cmp__ python operator overloading share improve this question Yep it's easy to implement everything..
Is Python strongly typed?
Python @classmethod and @staticmethod for beginner? Date day month year For this purpose C has such feature as overloading but Python lacks that feature so here's when classmethod applies...
overloading __init__ in python __init__ in python Let's say I have a class that has a member.. Is there some trick I might be missing I'm used to C where overloading by argument type is easy. Thanks. python constructor operator.. type is easy. Thanks. python constructor operator overloading share improve this question A much neater way to get 'alternate..
Python - Using the Multiply Operator to Create Copies of Objects in Lists
Django auto_now and auto_now_add in response to comments The reason why I just stick with overloading save vs. relying on these field arguments is two fold The aforementioned..
How is the 'is' keyword implemented in Python? the question Do I have two names for the same object overloading that would make no sense. For example a 100 is a 100 is False..
Why does python use two underscores for certain things? should be a way to customize behaviour. Like operator overloading __add__ __div__ __ge__ ... attribute access __getattribute__..
overload print python print in 2.x which is what i am using. python printing overloading share improve this question Overloading print is a design..
What is monkey patch? this definition. Is that something like methods operators overloading or delegating Does it have anything common with these things..
Python function overloading function overloading I know that Python does not support method overloading but.. overloading I know that Python does not support method overloading but I've run into a problem that I can't seem to solve in a.. help allot like acceleration 0 python design method overloading function overloading share improve this question Python..
Function overloading in Python: Missing [closed] overloading in Python Missing closed As this says http pipermail python list 2003 May 206149.html Function overloading is absent in Python. As far as I feel this a big handicap since.. passed and then doing the job is like an overkill. python overloading missing features share improve this question As unwind noted..
Python Lambda - why? overflow of C types pointing to the top variable and overloading to set the other field values...sort of a techie showmanship..
Why does defining __getitem__ on a class make it iterable in python? to see an error returned from for k in cb python iterator overloading share improve this question If you take a look at PEP234..