python Programming Glossary: outgoing
Source interface with Python and urllib2 more complex ways of course run it at need just for those outgoing sockets you DO need to bind in a certain way then each time..
paste.httpserver and slowdown with HTTP/1.1 Keep-alive; tested with httperf and ab the delay. That meant something in the TCP layer in the outgoing messages from my client. A friend suggested the obvious and..
Solving embarassingly parallel problems using Python multiprocessing sum row self.outq.put STOP def write_output_csv self Open outgoing csv file then start reading outq for answers Since I chose to..
Open Source FIX Client Simulator tradeclient uses screen logger so you should see all the outgoing and incoming messages on the command line. share improve this..
Programmatic Form Submit automatically converts incoming documents to Unicode and outgoing documents to UTF 8. You don't have to think about encodings..
Making moves w/ websockets and python / django ( / twisted? ) request only incoming data and returns the response only outgoing data . This makes it tricky to force django into the concept..
Cron works on local host but not when deployed Appengine Google App Engine uses a shared pool of IP addresses for outgoing urlfetch requests and Twitter search APIs does not support authentication...
How do you get default headers in a urllib2 Request? uses urllib2. It is easy enough to add HTTP headers to my outgoing requests. I just create a dictionary of the headers I want to.. out how. any pointers in a nutshell How do I get all the outgoing headers from an HTTP request created by urllib2 python urllib2.. of an HTTPHandler that prints out or saves or whatever the outgoing HTTP request. import httplib urllib2 class MyHTTPConnection..
Using Twisted's twisted.web classes, how do I flush my outgoing buffers? Twisted's twisted.web classes how do I flush my outgoing buffers I've made a simple http server using Twisted which..
utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x96 in python automatically converts incoming documents to Unicode and outgoing documents to UTF 8. You don't have to think about encodings..