python Programming Glossary: outline
How to remove convexity defects in a Sudoku square? red line drawn is the original contour which is the true outline of sudoku boundary. The green line drawn is approximated contour.. green line drawn is approximated contour which will be the outline of warped image. Which of course there is difference between..
OpenCV dot target detection not finding all targets, and found circles are offset rgbcanny center 3 CV_RGB 0 255 0 1 8 0 draw the circle outline cvCircle rgbcanny center radius 1 CV_RGB 0 0 255 2 8 0 printf..
Mutli-threading python with Tkinter self.posy self.posx self.posy radius self.posx radius outline fill width 2 self.nx randrange 10 10 1 self.nx.. 50 self.check_queue def check_queue self try x y rad outline self.queue.get block False except Queue.Empty pass else self.create_moving_ball.. Queue.Empty pass else self.create_moving_ball x y rad outline self.canvas.after 50 self.check_queue def move self width height..
Do I seriously need to install Xcode and compile PyObjC as a result of 1.7.6 update? using either pip easy_install or manually. I will briefly outline the first two methods below manual installation is slightly..
My own OCR-program in Python ImageDraw.Draw im for r in regions draw.rectangle outline 255 0 0 del draw output file output.png wb
library for representing 3D polyhedra reasonable and small dependencies support calculating the outline of the polyhedron when view from any given angle python 3d..
How do you unzip very large files in python? zip unzip share improve this question Here's an outline of decompression of large files. import zipfile import zlib..
SciPy Create 2D Polygon Mask
board-drawing code to move an oval 2 15 i 1 width width 2 15 j 1 width width 2 15 fill Red outline 'Black' elif board i j 4 lst2.append canvas.create_oval i 1.. 2 15 i 1 width width 2 15 j 1 width width 2 15 fill Red outline 'Black' elif board i j 1 lst2.append canvas.create_oval i 1.. 2 15 i 1 width width 2 15 j 1 width width 2 15 fill Black outline 'Black' elif board i j 3 lst2.append canvas.create_oval i 1..
Detecting if an object from one image is in another image with OpenCV here. My initial thought is to start by drawing a rough outline around the object in the sample image. Then I could identify..