python Programming Glossary: org
Distributing my python scripts as jars with jython? detailed in this article on Jython's wiki http jython JythonFaq DistributingJythonScripts For your case I think.. start up script to the jar use one of the following java org.python.util.jython jar myapp.jar arg1 arg2 java cp myapp.jar.. jar myapp.jar arg1 arg2 java cp myapp.jar org.python.util.jython jar myapp.jar arg1 arg2 java jar myapp.jar..
How can I listen for 'usb device inserted' events in Linux, in Python? dbus.SystemBus self.hal_manager_obj self.bus.get_object org.freedesktop.Hal org freedesktop Hal Manager self.hal_manager.. self.bus.get_object org.freedesktop.Hal org freedesktop Hal Manager self.hal_manager dbus.Interface self.hal_manager_obj.. self.hal_manager dbus.Interface self.hal_manager_obj org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager And you need to connect a listener to..
Jython and python modules rootPath sys.path.append new PyString modulesDir Py is in org.python.core. rootPath and modulesDir is where YOU want let rootPath.. you located the standard jython lib Have a look at src org python util in the Jython Source Code for example..
Error while running test case Service.__init__ self 'SwitchPower' 'urn schemas upnp org service SwitchPower 1' '' os.getcwd ' SwitchPower scpd.xml'.. def _create_device self project_page 'https projects brisa' self.device Device 'urn schemas upnp org device.. projects brisa' self.device Device 'urn schemas upnp org device BinaryLight 1' self.server_name manufacturer 'Ankit'..
python udisks - enumerating device information dbus bus dbus.SystemBus ud_manager_obj bus.get_object org.freedesktop.UDisks org freedesktop UDisks ud_manager dbus.Interface.. ud_manager_obj bus.get_object org.freedesktop.UDisks org freedesktop UDisks ud_manager dbus.Interface ud_manager_obj.. UDisks ud_manager dbus.Interface ud_manager_obj 'org.freedesktop.UDisks' for dev in ud_manager.EnumerateDevices device_obj..
USB devices UDev and D-BUS True bus dbus.SystemBus proxy bus.get_object org.freedesktop.UDisks org freedesktop UDisks iface dbus.Interface.. proxy bus.get_object org.freedesktop.UDisks org freedesktop UDisks iface dbus.Interface proxy org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device.. org freedesktop UDisks iface dbus.Interface proxy org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device devices iface.get_dbus_method 'EnumerateDevices'..
Adding extra fields to django-registration form User unique True logo models.ImageField upload_to 'organizations' name models.CharField max_length 100 null True unique.. below etc. # AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE 'volunteering.organization' python django forms models django registration .. 0.8 Somewhere in your project say in your organization app from registration.forms import RegistrationForm..
Django admin List Display + ForeignKey = Empty Change List no of entries. class Organization models.Model org_id models.AutoField primary_key True org_name models.CharField.. models.Model org_id models.AutoField primary_key True org_name models.CharField max_length 288 def __unicode__ self return.. max_length 288 def __unicode__ self return self.org_name class Meta db_table u'organization' class Server models.Model..
Emacs Python: Echoing, Hooks and Org-mode is to end up being able to use results output session in org mode so that I can integrate python code without the results.. I don't actually know if this is true. python emacs hook org mode share improve this question My brief investigation..