

python Programming Glossary: oracle

Help me understand the difference between CLOBs and BLOBs in Oracle


me understand the difference between CLOBs and BLOBs in Oracle This is mainly just a check my understanding type of question... Here's my understanding of CLOBs and BLOBs as they work in Oracle CLOBs are for text like XML JSON etc. You should not assume..

Help installing cx_Oracle


installing cx_Oracle I'm trying to install the cx_Oracle for Python 2.6 but it is.. installing cx_Oracle I'm trying to install the cx_Oracle for Python 2.6 but it is failing. I don't know enough about.. This is what is output on the command line C pydev cx_Oracle 5.0.1 C python26 python setup.py install running install running..

what changes when your input is giga/terabyte sized?


of databases is historic 10 even 5 years ago I think that Oracle and its kin just weren't up to the task of managing single datasets..

Determine precision and scale of particular number in Python


determine the number's precision and scale values in the Oracle sense so 123.45678 should give me 8 5 12.76 should give me 4.. already a float and is being pushed to a database via cx_Oracle. I'm trying to do the best I can in Python to handle floats.. database type short of executing the INSERT and handling Oracle errors because I want to deal with the numbers a field not a..

Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed]


for some or all major DBs MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL MSSQL Oracle DB 2 Good support for network technologies REST or SOAP ftp..

zc.lockfile.LockError in ZODB


in a relational database. RelStorage supports PostgreSQL Oracle and MySQL backends. RelStorage takes care of concurrent access..

What's a good lightweight Python MVC framework? [closed]


database abstraction for GAE SQLite MSSQL MySQL Postgres Oracle FireBird etc. It does not need installation just unzip and click..

memory-efficient built-in SqlAlchemy iterator/generator?


not all databases support window functions you need PG Oracle or SQL Server. IMHO using at least Postgresql is definitely..

What is the best way to access stored procedures in Django's ORM


not the whole story actually that code was only tested on Oracle at that time . Stored procedures make sense when you want to.. We're using a hybrid model SP approach against both Oracle and Postgres databases. The trick is to make it easy to use..

Can't get cx_Oracle to work with Python version 2.7 / mac os 10.7.2 (Lion) - missing_OCIAttrGet


get cx_Oracle to work with Python version 2.7 mac os 10.7.2 Lion missing_OCIAttrGet.. 2.7 mac os 10.7.2 Lion missing_OCIAttrGet Can't get cx_Oracle to work with Python version 2.7 mac os 10.7.2 Lion One other.. recent call last File reader.py line 9 in module import cx_Oracle File build bdist.macosx 10.7 intel egg cx_Oracle.py line 7 in..

Creating a logging handler to connect to Oracle?


a logging handler to connect to Oracle So right now i need to create and implement an extension of.. that will log to the DB. I am using python 2.5.4 and cx_Oracle and the applications in general can be ether run as a service.. go about this. Few questions If any errors occur with cx_Oracle where should these errors be logged to If its down would it..

Help me understand the difference between CLOBs and BLOBs in Oracle


cause enough problems that it's not worth it python oracle share improve this question CLOB is encoding and collation..

apt like column output - python library


'COLUMNS' if you insist or via curses or from an oracle or defaulted to 80 or any other way you like the desired output..

Help installing cx_Oracle


cx_Oracle.obj DBUILD_VERSION 5.0.1 cx_Oracle.c c pydev cx_oracle 5.0.1 StringVar.c 392 warning C4018 ' ' signed unsigned mismatch.. 392 warning C4018 ' ' signed unsigned mismatch c pydev cx_oracle 5.0.1 StringVar.c 417 warning C4018 ' ' signed unsigned mismatch.. 417 warning C4018 ' ' signed unsigned mismatch c pydev cx_oracle 5.0.1 ObjectVar.c 117 warning C4018 ' ' signed unsigned mismatch..

How can I access Oracle from Python?


not be found. I will be grateful for any help. python oracle database connection cx oracle share improve this question.. for any help. python oracle database connection cx oracle share improve this question Here's what worked for me. My.. they point to the Oracle Instant Client directory. See oracle_python.bat source below. I'm sure there must be a more elegant..

Python: Set Bits Count (popcount)


popcount Few blob's have been duplicated in my database oracle 11g performed XOR operations on the blob using UTL_RAW.BIT_XOR...

How can I make cx-oracle bind the results of a query to a dictionary rather than a tuple?


can I make cx oracle bind the results of a query to a dictionary rather than a tuple.. dictionaries rather than list of tuples. It seems like cx_oracle supports this with parts of the documentation talking about.. in the 'sometable' table curs.close python sql database oracle cx oracle share improve this question Bindvars are used..

INSERT not working in cx_oracle when used with execute. How to get it working?


not working in cx_oracle when used with execute. How to get it working I am new to cx_oracle... used with execute. How to get it working I am new to cx_oracle. I have established a connection and I am able to create and.. help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. J python cx oracle oracle11gr2 share improve this question Just add cursor.commit..

What is the best way to access stored procedures in Django's ORM


for a in attributes try # field names from oracle sp are UPPER CASE # we want to put PIC_ID in pic_id etc. setattr..

Loop until a specific user input


trying to write a number guessing program as follows def oracle n ' ' print 'Start number 50' guess 50 #Sets 50 as a starting.. 'Success your number is approximately equal to ' guess oracle What I am trying to do now is get this sequence of if elif else..

Can't get cx_Oracle to work with Python version 2.7 / mac os 10.7.2 (Lion) - missing_OCIAttrGet


2.7 mac os 10.7.2 Lion One other thing I have installed oracle 32 bit not sure if that was correct. Traceback most recent call.. but mine is set however he mentioned it in cxoracle.cfg file that I can not locate is this my problem EDIT After.. No module named pkg_resources I could not get the oracle 64 bit versions to run on my computer kept getting segmentation..

Creating a logging handler to connect to Oracle?


given to me is to move said logging to text files to an oracle DB. The tables have already been defined and where things need.. be easiest. Any ideas suggestions would be great. python oracle design logging share improve this question If errors occur..

using pyodbc on linux to insert unicode or utf-8 chars in a nvarchar mssql field


using odbc drivers even if that time it was a java oracle combination. The core thing is that odbc driver apparently encodes..