

python Programming Glossary: optimizing

Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python


the inc instruction most computers have. In this day of optimizing compilers and bytecode interpreted languages adding operators..

How does sklearn.svm.svc's function predict_proba() work internally?


scaling requires first training the SVM as usual then optimizing parameter vectors A and B such that P y X 1 1 exp A f X B where..

Weird Integer Cache inside Python 2.6


are also identical. What you see is the python compiler optimizing identical literals when part of the same text. when typing in..

Prototyping with Python code before compiling


into cython modules build them and keep profiling and optimizing like it still was python no change of tools needed . You can..

What is the fastest (to access) struct-like object in Python?


is the fastest to access struct like object in Python I'm optimizing some code whose main bottleneck is running through and accessing..

Python tips for memory optimization


2.6.5 on both Linux production and Windows. Any tips on optimizing memory usage of dictionaries lists tuples I even thought of..

Modern, high performance bloom filter in Python?


filter using BitVector . I spent some time profiling and optimizing the library and contributing back my patches to Avi. Go to that..

Python: Why should 'from <module> import *' be prohibited?


# not allowed This is not allowed because it would make optimizing the body of the function too hard. The Python implementation..

Is there something wrong with this python code, why does it run so slow compared to ruby?


does. My assumption about ruby would be that it is clearly optimizing the code while python is not. Again that article goes into a..

Stack performance in programming languages


updated the runtime of the ocaml implementation using the optimizing compiler ocamlopt. Also I published the testbed at https github.com..

Tutorials on optimizing non-trivial Python applications with C extensions or Cython


on optimizing non trivial Python applications with C extensions or Cython..

Porting optimized Sieve of Eratosthenes from Python to C++


if sieve i Now I can slightly grasp the idea of the optimizing by automaticly skipping multiples of 2 3 and so on but when..

How do I profile memory usage in Python? [duplicate]


exploring them by writing a naive implementation and then optimizing it in various ways. I'm already familiar with the standard Python..

Why not always use psyco for Python code?


psyco for Python code psyco seems to be quite helpful in optimizing Python code and it does it in a very non intrusive way. Therefore..

whats the fastest way to find eigenvalues/vectors in python?


against them. Depending on the rig you have at the moment optimizing your SciPy build then re installing can give you a substantial..

Best way to profile/optimize a website on google's appengine


using any powerful tool. Does anyone have experience in optimizing python code for this purpose Have you find a good python profiler..

What is LLVM and How is replacing Python VM with LLVM increasing speeds 5x?


LLVM is several things together kind of a virtual machine optimizing compiler combined with different frontends that take the input..

Web mining or scraping or crawling? What tool/library should I use?


Search Engine Optimization would help since effectively optimizing a webpage for search engines tells you how search engines behave...

Detecting if an object from one image is in another image with OpenCV


but I only need one and if the differences are all optimizing on the margins then I'm fine with the fastest. C Any example..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


of the code will become the bottleneck so I don't think optimizing to that level would even be worthwhile even if possible since..