php Programming Glossary: trim
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? expr function evaluate expr this last_error null expr trim expr if substr expr 1 1 ' ' expr substr expr 0 strlen expr 1.. array postfix form of expression to be passed to pfx expr trim strtolower expr ops array ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '^' '_' ops_r array.. with the stack for each token r null tok strtoupper trim tok this dump this line is for debugging purpose only switch..
Can't use method return value in write context error. In other words the following will not work empty trim name . You'd have to change to this Not recommended just illustrates..
SQL injections in ADOdb and general website security to inject the following code that has POST method name trim _POST 'username' mail trim _POST 'email' password trim _POST.. code that has POST method name trim _POST 'username' mail trim _POST 'email' password trim _POST 'password ' if errors false.. trim _POST 'username' mail trim _POST 'email' password trim _POST 'password ' if errors false sql INSERT INTO clients SET..
PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV [closed] ' value value ' ' . value . ' ' . t line . value data . trim line . n data str_replace r data if data data n 0 Records Found..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? in one form or the other function sanitize str return trim strip_tags htmlentities pdo_real_escape_string str Most glaring.. been deprecatedly stripslashes as the innermost call then trim afterwards strip_tags htmlentities for output context and only..
How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP? our IP address foreach lines as line cols preg_split ' s ' trim line if cols 0 ipAddress macAddr cols 1 But what if the client..
What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP? key _SERVER true foreach explode ' ' _SERVER key as ip ip trim ip just to be safe if filter_var ip FILTER_VALIDATE_IP FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE..
URL Friendly Username in PHP? this question function Slug string return strtolower trim preg_replace '~ ^0 9a z ~i' ' ' html_entity_decode preg_replace..
PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT if isset _GET 'skip' fetchPictures bindValue ' skip' trim _GET 'skip' PDO PARAM_INT else fetchPictures bindValue ' skip'..
PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file KEY iv plaintext mdecrypt_generic td crypttext return trim plaintext Usage encrypted_string Encryption encrypt 'this is..
Make curl follow redirects?
Is there a performance benefit single quote vs double quote in php? [duplicate]
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP of bytes into a string variable for you to work with. Next trim the value of this variable. Why Because the string is padded.. end to make it fit evenly into a multiple of 16 bytes and trim doc takes care of that for us. You will be left with something..
DOMDocument in php '. div @id showContent ' foreach tags as tag string string trim tag nodeValue if strlen string 3 echo string echo ' br ' but..
Read last line from file 'r' cursor 1 fseek f cursor SEEK_END char fgetc f Trim trailing newline chars of the file while char n char r fseek..
URL rewriting with PHP can then for example path ltrim _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' ' ' Trim leading slash es elements explode ' ' path Split path on slashes..
Trim text to 340 chars text to 340 chars I'm pulling blog posts from a DB. I want..
Using PHP substr() and strip_tags() while retaining formatting and without breaking HTML it's a HTML taggy kind of day. strong div Standard trim Trim to 100 characters and HTML breaks stripped content comes to..
PHP code to generate safe URL? Non Letters with a text preg_replace ' ^ pL d u' ' ' text Trim out extra 's text trim text ' ' Convert letters that we have..
Trim unicode whitespace in PHP 5.2 unicode whitespace in PHP 5.2 How can I trim a string 6 page..
Trim headline to nearest word headline to nearest word Say for example I have the following..
Short Text, PHP at the character limit new_text substr text 0 chars_limit Trim off white space new_text trim new_text Add at end of text .....
How to remove new line characters from data rows in mysql? same could be done in one query update mytable SET title TRIM title ' n' where 1 1 will it work I can then just execute this..
Get relative date from the NOW() function [duplicate] CONCAT `result` `seconds` ' Seconds ' END IF RETURN TRIM `result` END For query SELECT `PassedSince` '2013 06 19 08 00'..
Pull first X words (not just characters) from mySQL you want to stay completely within SQL I think you can use TRIM . The syntax for that would be something like SELECT TRIM TRAILING.. TRIM . The syntax for that would be something like SELECT TRIM TRAILING ' ' FROM SUBSTRING_INDEX text_field ' ' 6 FROM .....
MySQL and PHP - insert NULL rather than empty string filesUploaded lat lng intLat intLng VALUES ' notes' ' id' TRIM ' imageUploaded' ' lat' ' long' ' intLat' ' intLng' mysql_query.. filesUploaded lat lng intLat intLng VALUES ' notes' ' id' TRIM ' imageUploaded' ' lat' ' long' intLat intLng share improve..