php Programming Glossary: trial
PHP / RegEx - Convert URLs to links by detecting .com/.net/.org/.edu etc this I apologize. Thanks in advance. EDIT 3 After days of trial and error and some help from SO here's what works preg_replace_callback..
Setup HTTP expires headers using PHP and Apache mod_expires mod_headers or both. The easiest way is simply trial an error but some Apache servers are configured to let you view..
Baffled: PHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0? cause. You can find the parameter that causes the error by trial and error or by comparing it to other requests that caused an..
Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed] and upgrade the parser from there. Don't try to trial and error your way up it's not fun ... Good luck with compressed..
Why does Windows need to `utf8_decode` filenames for `file_get_contents` to work? filename doesn't work on my Windows OS. By trial and error I found out that I need to do file_get_contents utf8_decode..
Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP to the facebook chat server. But that had more of an trial and error thing here. I could only vaguely understand how requests..
Extra backslash needed in PHP regexp pattern the same pattern in Perl and it worked fine. After some trial and error I found that PHP wants 3 or 4 backslashes for that..
What does “zend_mm_heap corrupted” mean php internals share improve this question after much trial and error I found that if I increase the output_buffering value..
List of Big-O for PHP functions only O n . So far I've had to discover the big O's via trial and error and occasionally looking at the source code . Now..
JavaScript QR Code Reader - can it be done? Or, Remote Service?
Regex for names the 'wonders' of regex. Being someone who learns from trial and error I'm really struggling because my trials are throwing.. from trial and error I'm really struggling because my trials are throwing up a disproportionate amount of errors... My experiments..
Get Instance ID of an Object in PHP object properties Besides var_dump I've discovered by trial and error that debug_zval_dump also outputs the object instance..
case insensitive xpath searching in php understand I need to use the translate function but all my trial and error has been in vain. I've tried upper ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ..
Compare 2 images in php
A tool to debug and test mod_rewrite (.htaccess) directives the .htaccess file it's by sheer random luck not by trial and error. I realize one can read Apache error logs or pass..
DOMDocument encoding problems / characters transformed got messed up which I was able to correct after some trial and error. Now it seems only one problem remains ' character..
Close session and start a new one confusing Update I'm posting some findings I got through trial and error. They seem to work php Load the session that we will..
PHP PDF template library with PDF output? be able to do exactly what I need but they don't offer a trial version and I'm not going to buy a cat in a bag especially not..
Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick kinda sucks I've no other choice than to try a trial and error approach combination of all the available methods..
Create Video File using PHP