php Programming Glossary: truncate
Importing multiple csv files to mysql tables up until I wrote a second script in which I accidentally truncated my tables stupid I know . 'No biggie' I thought as I had the.. e if db db rollBack db null die 'DB connection truncate failed '. e getMessage . n try while f array_shift files db..
Update MySql Field (if field is not empty, go to next one) use if function as an alternative to case statement. mysql truncate table col_values Query OK 3 rows affected 0.01 sec mysql insert..
PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags Truncate HTML ignoring tags I want to truncate some text loaded from a database or text file but it contains.. work properly and there is still less content . How can I truncate based on the text and probably stopping when you get to a table..
How to truncate text without truncating html and based off text count only? to truncate text without truncating html and based off text count only .. a href http Google a search engine. p I want to truncate this string based on the non HTML count so example if I wanted.. based on the non HTML count so example if I wanted to truncate it to 24 characters the output should be I really like the a..
Smart pagination algorithm instead of ending up with a ridiculously long page list I truncate it. Here's a quick example to make it clearer... this is what..
Truncate a multibyte String to n chars get this method in a String Filter working public function truncate string chars 50 terminator ' I'd expect this in abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ1234567890.. P.S. Yes I have checked http search q truncate string php before php string truncate multibyte share improve.. search q truncate string php before php string truncate multibyte share improve this question Try this function..
best way to obtain a lock in php acquire_lock FAILED to acquire lock key return FALSE ftruncate this file 0 truncate file write something to just help debugging.. to acquire lock key return FALSE ftruncate this file 0 truncate file write something to just help debugging fwrite this file.. lock FAILED to release lock key return FALSE ftruncate this file 0 truncate file write something to just help debugging..
Execute raw SQL using Doctrine 2 initialize the database with defalt data. say i want to do truncate the database tables initialize tables with default test data.. will be good if i can just go to a page say initData that truncates database and inserts test data. how can i do that i think another..
limit text length in php and provide 'Read more' link any html string strip_tags string if strlen string 500 truncate string stringCut substr string 0 500 make sure it ends in a..
php integer and float comparison mismatch than expected and casting to int won't round it but truncate it so you can't use casting as a workaround. As a note a better..
How to execute PHP code periodically in an automatic way PHP code periodically in an automatic way I am willing to truncate a table in a MySQL database periodically but I don't know how..
Indented list to multidimensional array indentation depth 1 line substr line strlen indentation truncate path if needed while depth sizeof path array_pop path keep..
How can I truncate a string to the first 20 words in PHP? can I truncate a string to the first 20 words in PHP How can I truncate a.. truncate a string to the first 20 words in PHP How can I truncate a string after 20 words in PHP php string share improve this..
Importing multiple csv files to mysql tables foreach files as f db beginTransaction db exec sprintf 'TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_ s' tbls f db commit catch PDOException.. successfully'. n generated Queries execution output TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_tblname1 TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_tblname2.. execution output TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_tblname1 TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_tblname2 TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_tblname3..
Importing CSV data using PHP/MySQL body div id container div id form php deleterecords TRUNCATE TABLE tablename empty the table of its current records mysql_query..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes customer_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 TRUNCATE report_event TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index.. ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 TRUNCATE report_event TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index.. TRUNCATE report_event TRUNCATE report_viewed_product_index TRUNCATE report_compared_product_index TRUNCATE dataflow_batch_export..
Clear data in MySQL table with PHP? with PHP php mysql clear share improve this question TRUNCATE TABLE tablename or DELETE FROM tablename The first one is usually..