php Programming Glossary: tsrmls_cc
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? Z_STRVAL_P parent_name Z_STRLEN_P parent_name pce TSRMLS_CC FAILURE CG compiler_options ZEND_COMPILE_IGNORE_INTERNAL_CLASSES.. CG active_op_array opline CG class_table pce 1 TSRMLS_CC NULL return clear unnecessary ZEND_FETCH_CLASS opcode zend_del_literal.. CG active_op_array opline CG class_table pce 1 TSRMLS_CC NULL return Going over to do_bind_inherited_class we see that..
How does similar_text work? int t1_len t2_len if zend_parse_parameters ZEND_NUM_ARGS TSRMLS_CC ss Z t1 t1_len t2 t2_len percent FAILURE return if ac 2 convert_to_double_ex..
PHP extension library accessing PHP superglobals zend_auto_global_disable_jit _SERVER sizeof _SERVER 1 TSRMLS_CC if zend_hash_find EG symbol_table _SERVER sizeof _SERVER void..
curl follow location error PG safe_mode if Z_LVAL_PP zvalue 0 php_error_docref NULL TSRMLS_CC E_WARNING CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in..
Peculiar Behaviour with PHP (5.3), static inheritance and references parent_ce default_static_members TSRMLS_CC apply_func_args_t inherit_static_prop 1 ce default_static_members..
Compare PHP Arrays Using Memory References var4 char r 500 if zend_parse_parameters ZEND_NUM_ARGS TSRMLS_CC aaaa &var1 &var2 &var3 &var4 FAILURE RETURN_NULL sprintf r n.. zval var char r 100 if zend_parse_parameters ZEND_NUM_ARGS TSRMLS_CC a &var FAILURE RETURN_NULL sprintf r p Z_ARRVAL_P var RETURN_STRING..
Why date() works twice as fast if we set time zone from code? tz timelib_tzinfo tzi tz guess_timezone DATE_TIMEZONEDB TSRMLS_CC tzi php_date_parse_tzfile tz DATE_TIMEZONEDB TSRMLS_CC if tzi.. TSRMLS_CC tzi php_date_parse_tzfile tz DATE_TIMEZONEDB TSRMLS_CC if tzi php_error_docref NULL TSRMLS_CC E_ERROR Timezone database.. tz DATE_TIMEZONEDB TSRMLS_CC if tzi php_error_docref NULL TSRMLS_CC E_ERROR Timezone database is corrupt this should never happen..
Why does mysql_query() return TRUE with a SELECT statement? conn query should have returned rows php_error_docref NULL TSRMLS_CC E_WARNING Unable to save result set RETURN_FALSE else RETURN_TRUE.. query should have returned rows php_error_docref NULL TSRMLS_CC E_WARNING Unable to save result set RETURN_FALSE else if mysql_errno.. mysql conn 0 php_error_docref http doc TSRMLS_CC E_WARNING s mysql_error mysql conn RETURN_FALSE else RETURN_TRUE..
What is the difference between <> and != [duplicate] expr zend_do_binary_op ZEND_IS_NOT_EQUAL 1 3 TSRMLS_CC So we know that the opcode that's fired is ZEND_IS_NOT_EQUAL.. fast_not_equal_function result opline op1.zv opline op2.zv TSRMLS_CC CHECK_EXCEPTION ZEND_VM_NEXT_OPCODE So there's literally no..