php Programming Glossary: tid
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox sandbox share improve this question This should work tid _GET 'tx' auth_token zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz paypal_url . cgi bin webscr post_vars cmd _notify synch tx . tid . at . auth_token ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url..
How to display Unicode data with PHP to display Unicode data with PHP table 'abc' data tid title 1 வ ள ளிக கிழம 2 க லாகல த ட ் sql mysql_query.. த ட ் sql mysql_query select title from abd where tid '1' row mysql_fetch_array sql title row 'title' echo title OutPut.. 'utf8' sql mysql_query select title from abd where tid '1' row mysql_fetch_array sql title row 'title' echo title ..
Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images forums http support forum p Picasa thread tid 36ae553a7b49088e hl en @oedious wrote This is going to be somewhat..
When inserting an entity with associations, is there a way to just use the FK instead of retrieving the entity? find post_id returns a Post entity. foreach tags_ids as tid post addTag em getReference 'Tag' tid em persist post em flush..
Help with php blank page? resultn 0 name players_team mysql_result resultn 0 tid if Check on if Type_Of_Action drop if Roster_Slots 4 and TotalSalary.. querycat WPMoves mysql_result resultcat 0 counter catid mysql_result resultcat 0 catid WPMoves WPMoves 1 querycat2 UPDATE.. resultcat 0 counter catid mysql_result resultcat 0 catid WPMoves WPMoves 1 querycat2 UPDATE nuke_stories_cat SET counter..