php Programming Glossary: thoughts
proc_open interaction can't see any other way around the first error... any thoughts Or follow up questions if the above rant isn't at all clear..
CodeIgniter + Command Line + Cron + Cpanel proven by the file working fine through a URL call . Any thoughts I just can't seem to figure out why it's not grabbing the URI..
Run a ffmpeg process in the background the link to the new video file. Here's a couple of other thoughts The day your application becomes bigger you can have one web..
Chaining Static Methods in PHP? return self it's not an instance but this is where my thoughts have taken me class TestClass public static currentValue public..
AJAX request callback using jQuery best way to specify exactly what data I want returned Some thoughts I've had wrapping all my HTML inside a if statement i.e. if..
PHP and Enumerations use Does anyone recall whether the PHP guys have had any thoughts or decisions around enums php enumeration share improve this..
Should I use a single or multiple database setup for a multi-client application? bugs shouldn't be there in the first place What are your thoughts on this Do you have any ideas what solution the above companies..
Randomly Losing Session Variables Only In Google Chrome & URL Rewriting index.php blah blah Chrome works perfectly fine. Any thoughts ideas I'm thinking it's some kind of problem with how Chrome..
Select MYSQL rows but rows into columns and column into rows Ram Shyam Marks 45 87 2 rows in set 0.00 sec Closing thoughts I'm still not sure why you need to transform rows into columns..
Best solution to protect PHP code without encryption not your target paying customers anyway. edited out other thoughts about obfuscation Another suggestion for protecting your software..
ACL implementation access to model. How can we implement this I hope that my thoughts are clear. Sorry for my English. Thank you. php oop mvc acl..
Dealing with timezones in PHP issues so I'm forced to treat them case by case. Your thoughts are very welcome php database timezone share improve this..
How to get multiple parameters with same name from a URL in PHP access to both values. Is this possible in PHP If not any thoughts on how to handle this problem php url parameters share improve..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation by the time of their last response What are your thoughts. Yes. that is sensible and quite common most people understand..
Unique key generation in a database ensuring it's completely unique. Any other thoughts Are there any websites out there that already do this that have..
Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases with just actors of type worker Any advice Any general thoughts on the subject of mapping OOP structures to relational DB php..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP name and last name of all users Concatenating a string thoughts folks Clear examples belonging in the SQL domain specific WHERE..
What's the deal with a leading underscore in PHP class methods? reasoning behind it that I would benefit from knowing. Any thoughts insights and or opinions would be appreciated. php coding style..
Php PDO::bindParam data types.. how does it work? Regards Cyruss that is exactly my situation. Where are my thoughts going wrong php types pdo prepared statement share improve..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 I do this for the env prod environment. Just a few final thoughts This desired behaviour can be achieved by having in the git..
Is it possible to check PHP file syntax from PHP? seems to be a wrong way http bug.php id 46339 Thoughts php parsing syntax checking share improve this question ..
test the return value of a method that triggers an error with PHPUnit into a generic PHPUnit_Framework_Error exception. Further Thoughts While it depends exactly on how the function is used I'd probably..
Generate Entities with Doctrine into separate namespace Foo Entity Acme BlogBundle AcmeBlogBundle Bar Entity Thoughts php symfony2 namespaces doctrine entity share improve this..
Creating a file progress bar in PHP be sized and maybe display the uploaded size to the user. Thoughts php ajax file upload progress bar share improve this question..
Proper Repository Pattern Design in PHP? repository delete user Return success return true Final Thoughts The important things to note here are that when I'm modifying..
PHP: Best way to extract text within parenthesis? of function calls perhaps this would be the best approach Thoughts php parsing string share improve this question i'd just..
CodeIgniter: Hooks (pre_controller) loading helpers me to access to loading helpers but this is not the case. Thoughts ci get_instance ci load helper 'cookie' does not load php codeigniter..
Iterating over a complex Associative Array in PHP numbers of parts some might be missing one or two . Thoughts on doing this in a way that's nice neat and understandable ..
Suggestions for (semi) securing high-scores in Flash/PHP game on a high score form for a simple online Flash game Thoughts Thank you in advance php flash actionscript 3 actionscript..
PHP OpenID Library that allows facebook / openid / twitter, etc; working out bugs with facebook working and not twitter etc Thoughts php facebook twitter login openid share improve this question..
PHP headers already sent [duplicate] it just throws up the error at the next echo statement. Thoughts on why PHP hates my echo statements so much Here is my include..
No PHP for large projects? Why not? I don't want to invest further if I'm wasting my time. Thoughts php scalability projects share improve this question I..
Find out where your PHP code is slowing down (Performance Issue) more PHP tools to figure out where my app is crapping up. Thoughts php mysql performance profiling share improve this question..
How to make php scripts run in parallel?
PHP “pretty print” json_encode [duplicate] a command followed by a n and same for the brackets... Thoughts php json encode share improve this question PHP has JSON_PRETTY_PRINT..
PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000 submitted is broken down into single character strings. Thoughts welcome. array 1001 action string 10 step1_show submit string..