php Programming Glossary: thumb_width
Crop image in PHP _GET 'src' filename 'images cropped_whatever.jpg' thumb_width 200 thumb_height 150 width imagesx image height imagesy image.. imagesy image original_aspect width height thumb_aspect thumb_width thumb_height if original_aspect thumb_aspect If image is wider.. else If the thumbnail is wider than the image new_width thumb_width new_height height width thumb_width thumb imagecreatetruecolor..
Resize image before uploading PHP float height_orig width_orig thumb_height max_height thumb_width round thumb_height aspect_ratio if thumb_width max_width thumb_width.. max_height thumb_width round thumb_height aspect_ratio if thumb_width max_width thumb_width max_width thumb_height round thumb_width.. round thumb_height aspect_ratio if thumb_width max_width thumb_width max_width thumb_height round thumb_width aspect_ratio width..
PHP uploading images in the correct dimensions image_resize_dimensions source_width source_height thumb_width thumb_height source_ratio source_width source_height thumb_ratio.. source_ratio source_width source_height thumb_ratio thumb_width thumb_height Ratio is Taller if thumb_ratio source_ratio result_height.. is Wider elseif thumb_ratio source_ratio result_width thumb_width result_height thumb_width source_ratio Ratio the Same elseif..