php Programming Glossary: till
php soap client for uk mail webservice api? pre exit LoginResponse soapClient Login Login till here my code runs fine and also gives the failed output but..
PHP PDO and MySQLi [duplicate] it went over my head. I've been using mysql_ functions up till now so these concepts are new to me. I think they are used to..
Foursquare API for venue user image error img user 110x110 K4VCI4MXHWFUGXOF.jpg which are valid till now. Hope this will work until they change this. Thanks. share..
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way the returned resultset and again call the getCHILD method till we dont get the lowest node. I need the best optimized technique..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes the Magento from the web browser for the live web server till the point #14 gets completed. Using PuTTY commands extract the..
PHP String Differences and Dynamic Restrictions 5'' Check again with the new two words . 7 Repeat 4 and 5 till it is one possible match in_array 8 The matched one will be..
How to find first day of the next month and remaining days till this date with PHP to find first day of the next month and remaining days till this date with PHP How can I find first day of the next month.. I find first day of the next month and the remaining days till this day from the present day Thank you php share improve..
Install a cron job with a php script I have no problems writing the install script up en till its time to set up Cron. Please tell me if I can do this. php..
Detect Browser Language in PHP language automatically detected . This script was working till now and now suddenly seems not working any more I do not why..
DES Encryption in PHP and C# null stream2 null return str2 And the code that I've done till now in PHP is the following function encrypt string Key key..
php get directory size Any idea why the processor usage shoot up too high or 100 till the script execution is finish Can anything be done to optimize..
PHPExcel reader — help required to read data from Excel sheet and store in mysql table till now i m able to upload .xls as well as .xlsx file and after.. @Mark Thanks for your solution it helps me a lot but still some problems are there how to handle empty blank cell in excel..
get substring between two strings PHP substring I wanna a cake Thanks in advance. Update Well till now I can just get a substring beteen two words in just one..
unable to scrape content from a website convert bad html to xhtml page loadHTML content its okay till here when i echo page saveHTML the page is displayed path1 body.. the libxml option LIBXML_NOENT to substitute entities but still the errors remain. php xhtml web scraping xml namespaces domxpath..
PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 113 bytes exceeds the limit of -1988100096 bytes in Unknown memory maximum post exceeded etc. Everything was going ok till I checked my error log which contained 11 Jun 2011 04 33 06..
Exception catching: when not to catch them? The problem with this was the code below kept executing till the end which it should not have. It seems like its not a good..
What is #<some-number> next to object(someClass) in var_dump of an object? I have an inference. Am I right? of which class it belongs to that has been created till now. Which keeps getting incrementing for every object created..
How to detect the screen DPI using PHP or JavaScript screen DPI using PHP or JavaScript The only way I found till now is getting the offsetWidth offsetHeight of a test div with..
How to design a sequential hash-like function yours it's probably easier to create a random filename till it doesn't exist. nobody cares about the number of the entry...