php Programming Glossary: supplies
Are PHP Associative Arrays ordered? this question PHP associative arrays are ordered and PHP supplies various functions to deal with the array key ordering like ksort..
How do I get PHP 5.3.8 to read a .user.ini file? doesn't have direct access to the filesystem and Apache supplies everything PHP needs to do its job. Which means picking up last..
Apple Push Notification Service but not the private key from the .cer file that apple supplies. These instructions from markbates might help out Once you have..
update data in the div for you to check out. In all examples note how the user supplies the HTML content whether by typing something or selecting a..
Securing a javascript client with hmac private key and inserts it into the javascript Javascript supplies a signature using the private key and the public key with all..
Detecting whether a PHP variable is a reference / referenced are references of each other Again a comment on supplies a function for doing such a comparison although it is one that..
Portable (PHPass) password hashes. Should I use them? need to have portable hashes on. On PHP 5.3 and above PHP supplies its own implementation of bcrypt if it isn't available on the..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? the old onhashchange functionality. Backbone.js Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript heavy applications by providing models..
Limiting the number of failed login attemps for some specific time and keep showing CAPTCHA unless he supplies valid username and password. Once the user has successfully..
Prevent Back button from showing POST confirmation alert POST confirmation alert I have an application that supplies long list of parameters to a web page so I have to use POST..