php Programming Glossary: suppressing
Reopening a session in PHP point @session_start works but I like to use it without suppressing warnings _SESSION 'key' 'new value I like to store' session_write_close..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead urgent need to upgrade PHP right away you might consider suppressing deprecation errors for the time being but be sure to identify.. urgent need to upgrade PHP right away you might consider suppressing deprecation errors for the time being but be sure to identify..
isset($var) vs. @$var an okay practice or an acceptable way to use PHP's error suppressing if isset _REQUEST 'id' _REQUEST 'id' 6 echo 'hi' if @ _REQUEST.. question It's not a really good practice to use error suppressing. It's even not a good practice to use _REQUEST at all. Just..
PHP: Notice: Undefined index where the session variable is defined I am having no luck. A lot of Googling just shows people suppressing these errors but that sounds insane Not only that but I am not..
PHP functions and @functions
Should I use @ in my PHP code? the @ operator very sparingly handling errors instead of suppressing them. But there are a small number of situations I can think..
Php function argument error suppression, empty() isset() emulation reference variables or isset or empty in conditions and suppressing notices in PHP configuration. That in addition to the obvious..
suppressing php errors?… why? php errors &hellip why Hey guys I was wondering why you would.. question You should positively NOT get into the habit of suppressing errors. The errors are there for a reason. Instead handle them..
Why Session object destruction failed this would cause such an error. 2 Why would the @ not be suppressing the error That depends how the output is created and on PHP..