php Programming Glossary: supposedly
php compare two associative arrays as we've seen from above there 3 possible match... and supposedly results to increment the value of c by 3 c 3 i hope some genius..
How to change from-address when using gmail smtp server account If you own the domain you are supposedly sending from use the free gmail for domains and setup a
serialize/unserialize in jQuery convert from JSON thanks to eval but converting to JSON is supposedly an edge requirement. This plugin exposes four new functions..
Generating Luhn Checksums behind the delta variable. I've made this function that supposedly should generated Luhn checksums but for some reason that I haven't..
Why is WordPress considered to be poorly programmed? [closed] the other bells and whistles it builds in. To paraphrase supposedly Churchill though WordPress is the worst blogging system... except..
php float calculation 2 decimal point nearest 0.05 to get this figure what happen is c b a supposedly I should be 0.01 but I echo out the c is show 0.00988888888888..
Magento - overriding Adminhtml block for me. One recommendation was this one . I've copied the supposedly correct solution from Lee Saferite which works for the original..
Override method parameter with child interface as a new parameter but does not accept an Engine . So Foo setEngine supposedly implements Car yet does not accept a parameter of type Engine..
How to make a Multilanguage website in php and Mysql and some docs are just available in a subset of the supposedly supported languages . Translations source is content provided..
Why use bin2hex when inserting binary data from PHP into MySQL? sql INSERT INTO `table` `file` VALUES ' bin ' It is supposedly for performance reasons. Something to do with how MySQL handles..
PHP: get array element PHP parser that your first example doesn't work. However supposedly the next major version of PHP will fix this. share improve..
file_get_contents returns empty string it behaves exactly the same save for little supposedly domain lookup timeout after which I get no error while should..
PHP date_default_timezone_set() Eastern Standard Time (EST) his whole code which he's been using since the dawn of PHP supposedly. I will reluctantly give credit to the dude who shows you how..
Connecting remote PHP/Apache server to Quickbooks/Windows driver to QuickBooks data. It's a commercial product but supposedly works pretty darn well. I hear there are some concerns with..