php Programming Glossary: suggested
PHP: How to get all possible combinations of 1D array? [duplicate] and Permutations in PHP I've read tried alot of the suggested answers on SO which none of them solves the problem array array..
Troubleshooting PHP Mail If you have access to log files check those of course as suggested above. Do you check the from address for possible bounce mails..
PHP change the maximum upload file size so I need to increase the size. My research on the web suggested changing the .htaccess file which I do not have access to so.. which I do not have access to so thats won't work. Others suggested that I add a cutom php.ini file to my root which did not work...
HTTP_HOST vs. SERVER_NAME look like that nobody has done it before although it was suggested several times in the related PHP bug reports. Update 2 I think..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table some extra getters setters in Track class EDIT @beberlei suggested to use proxy methods class AlbumTrackReference public function..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise header. where filename indicates the name that should be suggested in the save dialog Content disposition attachment filename 'r' pick a bufsize that makes you happy 8192 has been suggested . bufsize 8192 buff '' while feof fp buff fread fp bufsize echo..
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? not about accessing data in the simplest way possible. You suggested using post requests to access JSON which is a perfectly valid..
DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper? and p tag wrappers before the output of the content. The suggested fix... postarray 'post_content' d saveXML d getElementsByTagName..
Detect file encoding in PHP encoding is. You can then convert it as desired. As brulak suggested however you're probably better off converting to UTF 8 rather..
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) data. This is effectively the same method that Patrick has suggested but the Movable Type link has extensive explanations of the..
Determine timezone from latitude/longitude without using web services like I had this problem a while back and did exactly what adam suggested Download the database of cities from convert it..
Is it ever ok to store password in plain text in a php variable or php constant? can't see it it's safe right EDIT Some people actually suggested using hash however there would be a problem with database server..
How to validate an Email in PHP? want the email address to have a TLD . As suggested in this blog post link posted by @Istiaque Ahmed you can augment..
Using comet with PHP? any back end CGI module you may want to use on Apache. The suggested solution was to use the 'event' MPM module which changes the..
best way to determine if a URL is an image in PHP
How can one use multi threading in PHP applications whether truly or just simulating it. Some time back it was suggested that you could force the operating system to load another instance..
Converting HTML to PDF using PHP? [duplicate] create a pdf from php pdflib will help you as some other suggested . Else if you want to convert an HTML page in pdf via PHP you'll..
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones whatever means you use to bring higher powers for help. I suggested using CommonBundle for common stuff in the past but doing that..