php Programming Glossary: substring
How to get email address from a long string
Making sure PHP substr finishes on a word not a character far. Just the SubStr... echo substr body 0 260 Cheers php substring share improve this question It could be done with a regex..
Getting the first character of a string with $str[0] str 0 works as well. What's up with that php string substring share improve this question Yes. Strings can be seen as..
How to find all substrings of a string in PHP to find all substrings of a string in PHP I need to convert strings of the form a.. provide a native function for converting strings into all substrings If not what's the path of least resistance for getting all.. If not what's the path of least resistance for getting all substrings Is there a straightforward way to perhaps explode the string..
PHP array combinations c i 1 1 return true foreach new Combinations 1234567 5 as substring echo substring ' ' 12345 12346 12347 12356 12357 12367 12456.. true foreach new Combinations 1234567 5 as substring echo substring ' ' 12345 12346 12347 12356 12357 12367 12456 12457 12467 12567..
Return the portion of a string before the first occurrence of a character in php this string 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' substring substr string 0 strpos string ' ' But I like this better list..
split keywords for post php mysql 0 set v_tags_idx 1 while not v_tags_done do set v_keyword substring v_tags_csv v_tags_idx if locate ' ' v_tags_csv v_tags_idx 0..
Check if variable starts with 'http' with 'http' source a href ' source' source a Thanks php substring string comparison share improve this question if strpos..
get substring between two strings PHP substring between two strings PHP I Need a function that returns a substring.. between two strings PHP I Need a function that returns a substring between two words or two characters . I'm wondering whether.. example string foo I wanna a cake foo We call the function substring getInnerSubstring string foo result substring I wanna a cake..
Create Subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP) with www. or other subdomains then you could simply use a substring like so subdomain substr _SERVER 'SERVER_NAME' 0 strpos _SERVER..
php string function to get substring before the last occurrence of a character string function to get substring before the last occurrence of a character string Hello World.. ' Again' Now I want to get Hello World from the string The substring before the last occurrence of a space ' ' . How do I get it..
SQL like statement problems correspond to a single string or numeric value not to a substring or field name . EDIT in this case your real problem appears..
php hash form string to integer I can probably get away with doing an md5 and treating a substring of it as a radix 16 number but I'm looking for something built..
How to Convert Comma Seperated Column into rows and add counter table sequence SELECT FROM SELECT S.Id Counter REPLACE SUBSTRING SUBSTRING_INDEX document ' ' S.Id LENGTH SUBSTRING_INDEX document.. sequence SELECT FROM SELECT S.Id Counter REPLACE SUBSTRING SUBSTRING_INDEX document ' ' S.Id LENGTH SUBSTRING_INDEX document ' '.. REPLACE SUBSTRING SUBSTRING_INDEX document ' ' S.Id LENGTH SUBSTRING_INDEX document ' ' S.Id 1 1 ' ' '' docs FROM documents D sequence..
MySql Error: Can't update table in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger brandnames SET bname CONCAT UCASE LEFT bname 1 LCASE SUBSTRING bname 2 What does this error mean php mysql triggers share..
How to check a mysql encrypt value with a salt in PHP? using this MySQL function ENCRYPT 'password' CONCAT ' 6 ' SUBSTRING SHA RAND 16 Now for my users to login I need to check the password.. WHERE id id AND password ENCRYPT ' password' CONCAT ' 6 ' SUBSTRING SHA RAND 16 However it became apparent this would not work due..
mysql select query within a serialized array if you'd really want to you could try something with SUBSTRING or another MySQL function and try to manipulate the field but..
Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP UNHEX HEX j j j 1 END WHILE WHILE i s1_len DO SET s1_char SUBSTRING s1 i 1 c i cv0 UNHEX HEX i j 1 WHILE j s2_len DO SET c c 1 IF.. cv0 UNHEX HEX i j 1 WHILE j s2_len DO SET c c 1 IF s1_char SUBSTRING s2 j 1 THEN SET cost 0 ELSE SET cost 1 END IF SET c_temp CONV.. THEN SET cost 0 ELSE SET cost 1 END IF SET c_temp CONV HEX SUBSTRING cv1 j 1 16 10 cost IF c c_temp THEN SET c c_temp END IF SET..
Display first comment of post outside the comments template (using SQL maybe) comment_author comment_date_gmt comment_approved SUBSTRING comment_content 1 100 AS com_excerpt FROM wpdb comments WHERE.. comment_author comment_date_gmt comment_approved SUBSTRING comment_content 1 100 AS com_excerpt FROM wpdb comments WHERE..
mySQL Stored Function to create a slug Repeat If LOCATE ' ' temp_string 1 Then Set temp_string SUBSTRING temp_string 2 End If Return temp_string END DELIMITER share..