php Programming Glossary: subscription
Building a fast semantic MySQL search engine for private articles from scratch it the user can select either option . These articles are subscription based and can only be searched after logging in so they are..
OpenCart subscription model (x months) subscription model x months I am setting up an e commerce site using OpenCart.. up an e commerce site using OpenCart and I want to offer subscriptions. Specifically 3 6 12 months subscriptions. I am NOT interested.. I want to offer subscriptions. Specifically 3 6 12 months subscriptions. I am NOT interested in recurring billing I am aware that there..
hide a folder path when user downloads a file to know the exact file location of folder . As there is a subscription for the download. suppose my file is stored in http
Implementing Server Push Orbited right now it's great If you are doing chat or subscription type stuff use stompservice and orbited. If you are doing 1..
Google Chrome rendering XML as text for RSS feed
Best solution to protect PHP code without encryption data you manage on your site or license the product on a subscription model or with customer support. Designing a EULA is a legal..
How to implement PubSubHubBub? implement the verification mechanism see below Perform the subscription request to the hub it's a POST request to the hub url see 1... param. Your app must then echo this param for the subscription to be validated. If all is fine the hub will return 204 and.. as it includes indications of what failed. Later once the subscriptions is acknowledged you will get POST requests with the content..
Is it ever ok to store password in plain text in a php variable or php constant? supa secrit subscriber content meh all you've lost is some subscription fees if its your database you may have a problem if it's your..