php Programming Glossary: substantial
Porting a website from Symfony 1.4 to 2.0 bad way in symfony 1.4 now I've been asked to make some substantial changes to the navigation flow add some features and so on....
Is it worth learning Python over Ruby and PHP for Web Development? [closed] language and Rails was a brilliant framework. I did a substantial amount of work with Python but really couldn't wait to start..
Commitment to Zend Framework - any arguments against? ZF would be a deep one. Thus my question Is there anything substantial speaking against committing to the Zend Framework Do you have..
Learning Python coming from PHP this could be a much deeper question requiring a more substantial answer . Yes Python's syntax is easy enough to learn without..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise thrashing unacceptably high memory utilization per request substantial temporary disk space a considerable initial delay to the user..
How to read images from MySQL database using PHP? url php echo uri img src php echo uri But that has some substantial disadvantages Besides the lack of support for these data URIs..
Is time() a good salt not giving them the big fat target that will be used on a substantial number of potential targets. Random selection makes the targets..
php mysql fulltext search: lucene, sphinx, or? to me as if it might be worth it only if you identified substantial advantages... otherwise sphinx's easy as pie deployment as a..