php Programming Glossary: simulate
PDO Debugging - View Query AFTER Bind? [duplicate] Query AFTER Bind duplicate Possible Duplicate Retrieve or simulate full query from PDO prepared statement I can't figure out why..
MySQL Error “Too many connections” multiple tabs in your browser for instance which will simulate several users using the website at the same time If you have..
How can I create an error 404 in PHP? requested page is in its array of pages. If not how can I simulate an error 404 I tried this but it didn't work header _SERVER..
HTML PHP Progress Bar create the initial bar info create_progress Now let's simulate doing some various amounts of work and updating the progress.. the progress bar as we go. The usleep commands will simulate multiple lines of code being executed. usleep 350000 update_progress..
help with passing arguments to function php function tags share improve this question You can simulate named arguments using an associative array function my_function..
Cannot use string offset as an array in php use string offset as an array in php I'm trying to simulate this error with a sample php code but haven't been successful...
PHP date format converting PHP 5.3 the methods used above are not and while you could simulate getTimestamp with format 'U' there is no easy workaround for..
php curl: how can i emulate a get request exactly like a web browser? i properly emulate a get request to the server that will simulate a browser that's what i'm doing url https productsweb..
POST a file string using cURL in PHP? and set an extra header or two we should be able to simulate this form field separator delimiter ' ' . uniqid file upload..
Simulate file structure with PHP web server. I can edit the .htaccess file. I'm trying to simulate a file file structure that is not actually there. For example..
PHP equivalent of friend or internal support any friend like declarations. It's possible to simulate this using the PHP5 __get and __set methods and inspecting a..
Retrieve (or simulate) full query from PDO prepared statement or simulate full query from PDO prepared statement I stumbled upon this..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords for computers to crack a password is to recreate it and simulate the hashing algorithm used to secure it. The speed of the hash..
Jquery:: Ajax powered progress bar? if isset _GET 'twentyfive percent' sleep 2 I used sleep to simulate processing echo ' #progressbar .progressbar value 25 ' if isset..
Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; argument will be the same. Older version of PHP allowed to simulate behavior of modified with not_modified by doing this not_modified..
PhpUnit private method testing private function c some code The question is how can i simulate the result mocking it of the private method to improve the second..
Decrypting strings in Python that were encrypted with MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 in PHP of Rijndael. One can be found here . Then you will need to simulate the key and text padding used in the PHP Mcrypt module. They.. block at a time. I've created python functions which simulate the encryption for testing and decryption in Python import rijndael..
Multiple Inheritance in PHP text or html backend. I don't know your code but let me simulate it this way m new Message m type 'text html' m from 'John Doe..