

php Programming Glossary: significance

N-grams: Explanation + 2 applications


as a two pass algorithm to first decide the statistical significance of various n grams to decide what to keep. Google 'feature selection'.. it does not weight individual n grams based on statistical significance so two documents that both include 'the' 'a' 'is' and 'of' would..

What does !== in php mean?


It almost works like not equal. Does it has any extra significance php comparison operators share improve this question They..

Underscore in php function


or a double underscore and I'm just not sure of the significance. php double underscore share improve this question It means..

How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?


tasks routing it splits the URL in parts that have some significance for the rest of applications autoloading class takes the separated..

PHP class instantiation. To use or not to use the parentheses?


equal foo new bar foo new bar Am I right Or is there some significance to the brackets that I am unaware of I know this sounds like..

What is the correct format for a blowfish salt using PHP's crypt?


it to revert to STD_DES again. The Question What is the significance of those three characters following the ' 2a ' string which.. instruct crypt to use the blowfish method what then is the significance of the following three characters What then is the correct format..

mysql_real_escape_string VS addslashes


which addslashes doesnt escape can you tell me what the significance of that is thanks php mysql share improve this question ..

htmlentities() vs. htmlspecialchars()


for htmlspecialchars Certain characters have special significance in HTML and should be represented by HTML entities if they are..

How to create and store password hashes with Blowfish in PHP


'somePassword' ' 2a 07 nGYCCmhrzjrgdcxjH ' 1a What is the significance of 2a Does it just indicate that the Blowfish algorithm should.. that the Blowfish algorithm should be used 1b What is the significance of 07 Does a higher value imply a more secure hash 1c What is.. a higher value imply a more secure hash 1c What is the significance of nGYCCmhrzjrgdcxjH Is this the salt that will be used Should..

PHP 5.4 - 'closure $this support'


for next time around return this alternative The significance even if this example is trivial being that in the past once..

Why is “Expires” 1981?


I am wondering why is Expires set to 1981. What is the significance. php session cron share improve this question It's an attempt..