php Programming Glossary: simpledateformat
PHP's strtotime() in Java new TomorrowMatcher matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH mm ss z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher.. G 'at' HH mm ss z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat EEE d MMM yyyy HH mm ss Z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher.. MMM yyyy HH mm ss Z matchers.add new DateFormatMatcher new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd add as many format as you want not thread safe..
Java Webservice Client UsernameToken equivalent to PHP createTime localToGmtTimestamp Returns a date with format SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ss'Z' String pass super_secure_pass String..