

php Programming Glossary: simple_html_dom

Preg match text in php between html tags


p class review Desired text p Ordinarily I would use simple_html_dom for such things but on this occasion it cannot be used the above.. when it doesn't appear and then adjust my array from simple_html_dom accordingly . Anyway this would solve my problem. Thanks so..

find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom


in an html fragment via php dom I'm trying to use the simple_html_dom php class to create a find and replace function that looks for..

Good error handling with file_get_contents


get html dom form file function file_get_html dom new simple_html_dom args func_get_args dom load call_user_func_array 'file_get_contents'.. HTTP 1.1 404 Not Found in home example public_html other simple_html_dom.php on line 39 Line 39 is in the above code. How can i correctly..

html scraping and css queries


some tests based Byron's answer include lib simplehtmldom simple_html_dom.php include lib phpQuery phpQuery phpQuery.php echo pre html.. 'pq' . items n timer_start microtime true simple_dom new simple_html_dom simple_dom load html foreach simple_dom find a as node data.. php DOM 0.007061 Simple html DOM 0.117781 include .. lib simple_html_dom.php html file_get_contents http stackoverflow.com search q favorite..

Automatically generate nested table of contents based on heading tags


help in getting general idea how to create one It uses simple_html_dom to find and manipulate elements in original html htmlcode EOHTML.. or other dom manipulating library require_once 'simple_html_dom.php' html str_get_html htmlcode toc '' last_level 0 foreach..

Can SimplePie grab images from feeds


little more work here is what I've been doing. htmlDOM new simple_html_dom htmlDOM load item get_content image htmlDOM find 'img' 0 html.. 0 ' That snippet from my current little project uses simple_html_dom and another script I got off the Internet to resize images on..