php Programming Glossary: responsibilities
Understanding MVC What does the Controllers do Controller has one major responsibilities in MVC I'm gonna talk about Model2 implementation here Execute..
Stop using `global` in PHP Output. Clear seams clear interfaces minimal well defined responsibilities. You can do the same with a simple function. The extra advantage..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? are thing. The list above constitutes at least 4 different responsibilities for your Autoload class. Instead of what you have now each of..
Is extending classes good practice? this database database A class should be what its responsibilities are . The responsibility of a user management class is to manage.. the Database class and that doesn't make any sense. Keep responsibilities separate. Now it's still debatable whether that is the right.. class in turn uses a Database to do just that. That keeps responsibilities clear and separated. The User class represents user data the..
Storing encrypted personal information - common sense? can be put in place Here's a quote from the UK FSA Your responsibilities for customer data security pdf Getting data protection wrong..
How do you manage SQL Queries Having an API layer on the DB gives better delineation of responsibilities between the DB team and the Dev team at the expense of some..
Is this correct object oriented programing in php? [closed] in my book. And it's easy to maintain now because the responsibilities are closer to where they should be. share improve this answer..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? logic. The approach i would recommend is to separate the responsibilities which are not strictly business logic into two other other sets..