

php Programming Glossary: resetting

Limit execution time of an function or command PHP


I've not tested it but you may be able to set it locally resetting when you leave the php set_time_limit 0 global setting function..

Displaying table data column-wise in a while loop


headers Well typically I would recommend looping twice and resetting the pointer but I don't see the equivalent of mysql_data_seek..

Is “SET CHARACTER SET utf8” necessary?


. So essentially you're resetting character_set_connection to @@character_set_database and collation_connection..

Get first element of an array


array_values array Edit If modifying in the sense of resetting array pointers of array is not a problem you might use reset..

Best practices for email confirmation codes


a collision could result in one user inadvertently resetting another user's password. And that's no good. So how do you do..

Set maximum execution time for exec() specifically [duplicate]


the time setting just for certain blocks of code and resetting the time limit after the time critical code has run e.g. default..

Wordpress add_meta_box() weirdness


field . Can anyone see an obvious issue here that might be resetting the page title to blank POST OPTION BOX add_action 'admin_menu'..

What is a good way to produce a random “site salt” to be used in creating password retrieval tokens?


so I would like the reset link to provide a single step to resetting the password. Therefore my concern is that this process be secure.. you should use a Cryptographic Nonce. In the case of resetting passwords it should be a random number that is stored in the..

Fb.UI Dialogs are displaying in Popups instead of an iframe


something was set improperly in my FFox profile and resetting it fixed the issue. php facebook oauth share improve this..