php Programming Glossary: respect
Symfony 2 - multiple server configuration configuration Maintain Symfony's ootb functionality in respect to runtime environment switching Allow for public i.e. developer..
Stop script execution upon notice/warning environments. Note that the above example will not respect the @ error suppression operator. If this is important to you..
Type casting for user defined objects type isn't possible. PHP is a bit of an outsider in this respect Other similar languages treat classes as a much more dynamic..
How to properly indent PHP/HTML mixed code? HTML should each be indented so that they are correct with respect to themselves in source form irrespective of each other and.. are correct with respect to themselves in source form irrespective of each other and of outputted form table php foreach rows..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? some unusual chars but any other don't so in order to respect that they are here. My research htmlentities has the same minimal..
How to enable DDoS protection? will likely need to slice'n'dice your logs especially with respect to URI time IP and user to work out what is going on and need..
Whether to use “SET NAMES” should be considered much faster than issuing a query. In respect of performance the fastest way to ensure a UTF 8 based communiction..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? we've got a bot. Bots will often though not always respect robots.txt. Users don't care about robots.txt and we can probably..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? livelihood even if they are treating it with much less respect. I am certain that there are many avenues to approach and arguments..
PHP set timeout for script with system call, set_time_limit not working for pointing out this is because set_time_limit does not respect system calls. So I was trying to find other ways to kill the..
What is the best way to insert HTML via PHP? yourself a lot of XSS headaches. Smarty is weak in this respect and because of this there are a lot of content naïve templates..
How do i track the visitor's country and redirect them to appropriate sites? with a claimed 99.8 accuracy. There are four options with respect to how to use the database from PHP Download the CSV file and..
How to prevent my site page to be loaded via 3rd party site frame of iFrame you are in a frame. Additionally some modern browsers respect the X FRAME OPTIONS header that can have two values DENY prevents..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking are all but indistinguishable from the valid user with respect to the server. You cannot directly prevent session hijacking...
How to handle a PHP switch with different types? PHP switch with different types How can I make the switch respect data types is there a workaround better then if else value false..
strtotime With Different Languages? and weekday names and other language dependent strings respect the current locale set with setlocale . Examples from site php..
RedBean ORM performance if tis possible can you give the pros and cons of orm with respect to pure sql according to your experience and also i will google..
Best practice on PHP singleton classes [duplicate] Duplicate Who needs singletons I always write with respect to best practice but I also want to understand why a given thing..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 EXACTLY what it was asked in the topic To be comppiled respect the path to the images and do not expose the original source..
Send email by Email Class in codeigniter with Gmail ssl smtp_port 25 What do i do With respect php email gmail codeigniter 2 share improve this question..