php Programming Glossary: replacing
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? can take an expression in a text string and evaluate it by replacing values of variables and calculating the results of mathematical..
Why is PHP not replacing the variable in string? [closed] is PHP not replacing the variable in string closed I dont get why this simple line..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code file_put_contents path data for example that is just replacing the many duplicate lines where you just need a numbered file..
Can I try/catch a warning? was some discussion lately on the PHP newsgroup about replacing PHP errors with exceptions natively. Another possibility is..
How to change PHP's eregi to preg_match [duplicate] function and I should use preg_match instead simply replacing erei with preg_match does not work can someone show me how to..
Why is PDO better for escaping MySQL queries/querystrings than mysql_real_escape_string? With the old method you'd have to go through all your code replacing all 'mysql_doSomething ' functions with their 'pg_doSomthing..
php multi-dimensional array remove duplicate is used instead of the first. This can be changed by replacing the second line with foreach array_reverse array as val Notice..
Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates . I first had to authorize offline access with this url replacing 'MYAPIKEY' http login.php api_key MYAPIKEY.. 'publish_stream' permissions to the PAGE with this url replacing 'MYAPIKEY' and 'THEPAGEID' http connect prompt_permissions.php..
sending mail with php & escaping hotmails junk folder the MS headers to the PEAR mail class and i have tried replacing PEAR mail with PHPMailer with without the extra headers they..
How to replace text URLs and exclude URLs in HTML tags? href 1 target _blank 1 a 4' text The problem is it ™s also replacing the the img URL for example sometext sometext img src http
Bulletin board - Database optimisation purposes this is is actually the logical key of Office replacing StateCode Town and it remains so. I still think you may need..
Remove index.php From URL - Codeigniter 2 but instead of index.php try using site index.php obv replacing site with whatever your site folder is named . share improve..
Remove all the line breaks from the html source are generated through PHP so I think its possible. I knew replacing n r from regular expression but have no idea how to do this..
How to remove html special chars? ' ' with 2 8 or something. This will limit the chance of replacing entire sentences when an unencoded ' ' is present. Content preg_replace..
Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump
Get PHP to stop replacing '.' characters in $_GET or $_POST arrays? PHP to stop replacing '.' characters in _GET or _POST arrays If I pass PHP variables..
PDF Editing in PHP? I am thinking along the lines of opening a PDF file replacing text in the PDF and then writing out the modified version of..
PHP Regular expression to match keyword outside HTML tag <a> should NOT be matched I'm only interested in matching and replacing the keyword on the 1st line. The reason I want this is to replace..
Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result NOT prepared' . If I run the query directly in the IDE replacing marks with values it works fine. Please note that conn object..
PHP XML how to output nice format the XML with a line by line regular expression based replacing e.g. with preg_replace xml_string preg_replace ' ^ G um' t xml_string..
Count number of MySQL queries executed on page created in 0.136 seconds with 7 queries. in the footer Replacing all of the mysql_query ies isn't really an option there are..
How do I check if a video exists on YouTube, using PHP? this one http feeds api videos videoID Replacing videoID by the idea of the video of course GeppLPQtihA in your..
Replacing image src in HTML tags? image src in HTML tags I want to use regex to replace src html..
Replacing a querystring parameter value using mod_rewrite a querystring parameter value using mod_rewrite I would like..
Can the for loop be eliminated from this piece of PHP code? are not magically fast. They can add a huge time penalty. Replacing a loop in your code with a call to array_diff will not magically..
PHP swear word filter n Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare 3. Replacing bad words with good words string strtr string wordsTransform..
php Replacing multiple spaces with a single space Replacing multiple spaces with a single space I'm trying to replace multiple..
Replacing accented characters php accented characters php I am trying to replace accented characters..
Simple and clean xml manipulation in PHP Finding specific tag elements with specific attributes. Replacing a found element subtree. Using child trees which were generated..
Replacing \r\n with PHP r n with PHP I have a post form which inserts my text in a..
Write PHP PDO queries as `dbName`.`tableName` as opposed to `tableName` - why? Thank you JDelage UPDATE Please see accepted answer below. Replacing dbName dbName with dbname dbName solves this problem. php mysql..
Remove repeating character [closed] match atleast 1 so that it matches aa aaa aaaa but not a Replacing it with 1 replaces the complete matched text kkk in this case..
Replacing the global variables, how and why the global variables how and why Ok so I have worked and used..
Replacing a newline with a <br> - PHP a newline with a br PHP I'm guessing this is something you..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game attackers by Scrambling the AES keys with XOR operations Replacing key byte arrays with functions that calculate the key Scattering..
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements mysql_ functions with PDO and prepared statements I've always..
Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored invalid UTF 8 characters by question marks mbstring.substitute_character..