php Programming Glossary: repeat
PHP: How do Cookies and Sessions work? PHP does not find a match it will start a new session and repeat the steps from 1 7. You can store sensitive information on a..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? the same. So the answers to those questions typically repeat them and then show the OP which line to change in his her particular..
Understanding MVC Views in PHP one would use minimum PHP statements basically only for repeat structures foreach array as item basic conditionals if boolean..
What does the `[^][]` regex mean? a or a # OR R # the whole pattern here is the recursion # repeat zero or more time # a literal Notice in your pattern example.. recursion # or the previous then the 1 make more sense # repeat the atomic group zero or more time # literal no need to escape..
PHP explode the string, but treat words in quotes as a single word character except ' ' and ' ' # end non capture group 1 and repeat it zero or more times # match the character ' ' # OR S # match.. ' ' # OR S # match a non whitespace character ^ s and repeat it one or more times And in case of matching 22 instead of double..
How to find the dates between two specified date? current The 10 00 part is to prevent the code to skip or repeat a day due to daylight saving time. By giving the number of days..
Getting one line in a huge file with PHP nickf has just posted some way of doing that so I won't repeat it. To do this repeatedly in an efficient manner you will need.. some way of doing that so I won't repeat it. To do this repeatedly in an efficient manner you will need to build an index...
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? cached then the cache MUST disregard the response and repeat the request without the conditional. If a cache uses a received.. gives the URI of the proxy. The recipient is expected to repeat this single request via the proxy. 305 responses MUST only be.. SHOULD contain the information necessary for a user to repeat the original request on the new URI. If the 307 status code..
Algorithm for generating a random number result matches whatever came from the db 4 If it matches repeat step 1 if not problem is solved. Thanks. php mysql algorithm..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? you request the file and wait again act upon the data and repeat What follows is an example of such a page.. When the page is..
split keywords for post php mysql found set v_cursor_done 1 set autocommit 0 open v_cursor repeat fetch v_cursor into v_post_id v_tags_csv split the out the v_tags_csv.. set v_tags_done 1 end if end while until v_cursor_done end repeat close v_cursor commit end proc_main # delimiter TEST DATA insert..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] . The goal is to have examples of good code that do not repeat the awful mistakes that can so often be found in copy pasted..
Prevent Back button from showing POST confirmation alert display this page Firefox must send information that will repeat any action such as a search or order confirmation that was performed..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP calls to it's inherited object iterator . It looks like repeating and well iterators are about repetition. I put this into.. very simple code once. So at least I myself don't need to repeat myself. These two abstract classes are used by other classes..
Unique IPs in a voting system
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones This problem is related to the previous ones you have to repeat the same brainless motions for each bundle and then make hardcore..
How to create a random string using PHP? many choices we have num_valid_chars strlen valid_chars repeat the steps until we've created a string of the right length for..
PHP String Differences and Dynamic Restrictions last word of it 5'' Check again with the new two words . 7 Repeat 4 and 5 till it is one possible match in_array 8 The matched..
regex top level contents from a string of this very regex # followed by a closing bracket # Repeat as needed # Assert the next character is a x' subject result..
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom sibling and insert the Link Element before the second one. Repeat this procedure with the sibling node until no more Dexia strings..
Convert a relative URL to an absolute URL with Simple HTML DOM? as elem elem action baseURI resolve elem action __toString Repeat the substitution for any other attribute containing a URI like..
How to build a tree view with PHP / SQL? id ' . value 'id' . ' ' . value 'description' . ' a ' Repeat function using the current item's key id as the parent_id argument..
Speeding up large numbers of mysql updates and inserts `craft_energy_consumed_to_date` VALUES Repeat ad nauseam well about 7 000 times . This is an update that collects..
A good approximation algorithm for the maximum weight perfect match in non-bipartite graphs? its incident edges from G. 7 Let u take the role of v. 8 Repeat 3. 9 Repeat 1. Return L or R whichever has the greater total.. edges from G. 7 Let u take the role of v. 8 Repeat 3. 9 Repeat 1. Return L or R whichever has the greater total weight. Data..
mySQL Stored Function to create a slug 1 Else Leave Dash_check End If Set z z 1 End While End If Repeat Select temp_string Regexp into x If x 1 Then Set temp_string.. Set temp_string Replace temp_string End If Until x 1 End Repeat If LOCATE ' ' temp_string 1 Then Set temp_string SUBSTRING temp_string..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? way NO Why because a hacker could very well still do this Repeat after me mysql_real_escape_string is only meant to escape variable..
Best way to load php classes in EC2 - InstanceStore, EBS or S3? this question Always use an EBS backed instance . Repeat Always use an EBS backed instance. When code changes need to..
Directly go to Product Detail page on click of a category in the nav bar e.g. category 10 and the Request Path e.g. flowerpots.html Repeat steps 1 2 but this time select Custom from the Create Urlrewrite..
Random color generation using PHP base number to get three different numbers your R G and B Repeat steps 2 and 3 to get more similar colors You could widen the..