php Programming Glossary: repeats
PHP repeating of an image on a page to repeat an image on a page in a square box. The image repeats 100 times in a row and then again 100 times vertically.. that..
Tailing Log File and Write results to new file it runs it could produce some of the same lines as this repeats I can end up with multiple lines of duplication in the new text..
Basic simpleXML working example? Array How can I get Title Billy Bushwaka There are no repeats of XML data so I do not want to use arrays. php xml xpath simplexml..
How to store repeating dates keeping in mind Daylight Savings Time if the initial start date was in July as example and it repeats every month for a year at some point Daylight Savings Time will..
Check if user closed the page in PHP? are some the script prints them out and exits. Then it repeats all over again. EDIT How do I make a heartbeat thing in PHP..
Count all HTML tags in page PHP this problem using PHP 5.3 Information like How many times repeats in page How many times repeats in page and information about.. like How many times repeats in page How many times repeats in page and information about all tags in page php html regex..
PHP - SimpleXML - AddChild with another SimpleXMLElement I have a bunch of sections of the XML document that repeats. I thought I'd use multiple string templates as base document..
Facebook application refresh automatically to facebook login url but my user already signed in so repeats refresh nonstop. Here is my code facebook new Facebook array..
Repeating Events on the “nth” Weekday of Every Month Repeating Events. I've got Daily Weekly Monthly and Yearly repeats working out fine for now I still need to revamp the system with..
How to detect if user open two tabs for same session? object. As they proceed in the other steps the process repeats. At the end when they checkout all the data is then saved to..
Regular expression preg_quote symbols are not detected c k reverse f u c k print NFC f u c k n BEGIN # ok to have repeats in each position since they'll be counted only once # per unique..
PHP brute force password generator A A B B B B B B B B B A B B B B B and so on ... but it has repeats. I am having issues with the function createString . It's not..
php pdo prepare repetitive variables or PDO prepare could extract the named parameters look for repeats and automatically generate replacements. It would also record..
xpath inside a foreach loop repeating same result xpath property . name . 'Actors' value next this ok but repeats actors actors 0 genre xml xpath property name . 'Genre' value..
Solution for “Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!” in PHP a function that finds all the URLs within an html file and repeats the same process for each html content linked to the discovered..