php Programming Glossary: questionno
How to associate each option button with their own individual marks? for this example application Question QuestionId PK auto QuestionNo SessionId FK Session OptionId FK Option 72 1 26 3 73 2 26.. and executed qandaqrystmt bind_result qandaQuestionId qandaQuestionNo qandaQuestionContent qandaOptionType qandaAnswer qandaAnswerMarks.. qandaAnswer qandaAnswerMarks arrQuestionId array arrQuestionNo array arrQuestionContent array arrOptionType array arrAnswer..
How to create a dynamic WHERE clause StudentAlias StudentForename StudentSurname q.SessionId QuestionNo QuestionContent o.OptionType q.NoofAnswers GROUP_CONCAT DISTINCT.. q.QuestionId ORDER BY StudentAlias q.SessionId QuestionNo global mysqli selectedstudentanswerstmt mysqli prepare selectedstudentanswerqry.. detailsStudentSurname detailsSessionId detailsQuestionNo detailsQuestonContent detailsOptionType detailsNoofAnswers detailsAnswer..
How to create a mysqli dynamic WHERE clause selectedstudentanswerqry SELECT StudentAlias q.SessionId QuestionNo QuestionContent o.OptionType GROUP_CONCAT DISTINCT Answer ORDER.. q.QuestionId ORDER BY StudentAlias q.SessionId QuestionNo global mysqli selectedstudentanswerstmt mysqli prepare selectedstudentanswerqry.. bind_result detailsStudentAlias detailsSessionId detailsQuestionNo detailsQuestonContent detailsOptionType detailsAnswer detailsReplyType..
Errors appearing in mysqli code and call_user_func_array() StudentAlias StudentForename StudentSurname q.SessionId QuestionNo QuestionContent o.OptionType q.NoofAnswers GROUP_CONCAT DISTINCT.. q.QuestionId ORDER BY StudentAlias q.SessionId QuestionNo get result and assign variables prefix with db selectedstudentanswerstmt.. detailsStudentSurname detailsSessionId detailsQuestionNo detailsQuestonContent detailsOptionType detailsNoofAnswers detailsAnswer..
It is not inserting data into database statements ahead of time questionsql INSERT INTO Question QuestionNo VALUES if insert mysqli prepare questionsql Handle errors with..